"Social economy"

4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

Univ. of Liege (Belgium) EMES, in partnership with the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Social Enterprise (IAP-SOCENT) and with the support of the Centre for Social Economy at HEC Management School of the University of Liege, organized the 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise in July 2013.

EMES Project

Full name: The Emergence of Social Enterprise in Europe Acronym: EMES


Full title: The socio-economic performance of social enterprises in the field of work-integration (Performance socio-économique des entreprises sociales d'insertion par le travail, in French)
Acronym: PERSE
Duration: 2001 - 2004

Apports et limites de l'économie sociale

Text published in Laville, Jean-Luis and Nyssens, Marthe, Les services sociaux entre associations, Etat et marché: l'aide aux personnes âgées, La Découverte, Paris, 2001.

Los aportes y límites de la economía social

Text published in Laville, Jean-Louis (ed.), Economía social y solidaria. Una visión europea, Fundación OSDE - Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, Editorial Altamira, Buenos Aires, 2004.

The Human Economy

Hardback ISBN 9780745649795
Paperback ISBN 9780745649801
Polity, Cambridge.

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