Conference papers

After the 2nd EMES-ISTR European conference, organized in July 2008 in Barcelona, EMES launched the EMES Conferences Selected Papers series, which now includes papers from all EMES International Conferences on Social Enterprise, as well as from other international seminars.

This series aims to ensure that selected papers from conferences (co-) organised by EMES will be accessible to a large international audience of researchers, scholars, practitioners, policy makers, students and any other person whose work is related, in one way or another, to the third sector.

All conference papers have been subjected to a blind review process performed by three international scholars before acceptance – organized by the electronically conference system that secures details of anonymous uploading and review process.

EMES Conferences Selected Papers can be downloaded in PDF format free of charge, although donations are highly appreciated. Please note that the papers have not undergone any editing process before their on-line publication. Should you have any question regarding one of these papers, we invite you to contact the author(s) directly.


Conference papers

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