9EMESconf – Transdisciplinary Forum

Transdisciplinary Forum (TDF) aims to facilitate dialogue and exchange between the academic community, SE practitioners, and policymakers. This will be the sixth edition of the TDF, following on from Liege in 2013, Helsinki in 2015, Louvain in 2017, Sheffield in 2019 and Teruel in 2021.

TDF will take place on 11 September, on the first day of the 9th EMES International Research Conference, and will host several different sessions covering topics such as renewable energy cooperatives, financing social enterprises, work integration social enterprises, secondary cooperatives, knowledge transfer from Universities to support SE, classical and contemporary SE movements, etc. These sessions aim to bring together German social enterprises and cooperatives, EU federations, policymakers and researchers with the aim to learn about new trends, get in touch with experts and identify new avenues for research while giving the unique possibility for networking.

TDF’s registration price is €100 for contributing participants and €150 for all other participants. All fully registered guests for the Conference can attend the TDF day for free.

For questions about TDF, please contact: emes-konferenz@fb4.fra-uas.de 

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