Election of directors 2015

There will be elections for the EMES Board in early autumn 2015. With a view on reflecting the international nature of the network, the current Board of Directors set the rules and process leading up to these (reflected in the new bylaws to be approved in the Helsinki General Assembly). They are published here as part of the move toward a transparent and participative governance within EMES.


The candidates for the two categories of members up for election are listed below. You can click on their names to go to their EMES personal profile or their Centers in the case of the Institutional Members representatives.





Important dates:

Reception of candidacies: Candidacies for seats at the Board should be sent by September 7th, 2015. Candidates seeking election are encouraged to present their candidacies at the General Assembly to be held in Helsinki on July 1st.

Voting: For 2019, the election will take place electronically via e-voting in September 2015 on time for the autumn meeting of the Board (October 2015).

Instructions for submitting candidacies:

All individual and institutional members can present their candidacies. Voting rights of members at the General Assembly depend on the membership category:

  • Category 1: Institutional members: each institutional member has one unique vote summing up to two-thirds of the votes.
  • Category 2: Individual members have one unique vote vote summing up to one-third of the votes.

This rule applies as well for the elections of the Directors.

PhD members

PhD students constitute a category of EMES members (“Graduate students members”) so they are invited to send their candidacies as well so their peers can select their representative in the Board.

Nominating Committee

A Nominating Committee was formed with a vie won receiving and managing the candidacies. It consists of two Board members (Mary O’Shaughnessy and Taco Brandsen), one non-Board member (Victor Pestoff), and the Director (Rocío Nogales).

As defined by the Board, the role of the nominating committee is to receive the candidatures and make an evaluation of the candidate so as to recommend the definite ones to the Board. For this specific election, it will assist the Board to find and suggest at least four new institutional, and two new individual members to stand for election. The Nominating Committee will review the candidacies based on the following criteria:

  1. Overall enthusiasm and interest in serving on the Board
  2. Solid academic track record or promising projection
  3. Time availability and time constrains
  4. Experience with an international and research organization
  5. Membership and level of commitment to the EMES community
  6. Fit with the short and long-term goals of EMES
  7. Commitment to EMES’ financial stability – To achieve financial stability, it’s crucial to learn more about investing and make informed decisions to grow your wealth effectively.
  8. Fit with projects or initiatives EMES is planning
  9. Sufficient command of English language
  10. Country, gender and age diversity

In any case, no candidate will be excluded from the process: all candidacies will be passed on to the Board, each of them with specific recommendations from the Nominating Committee.

Submission of candidacies

Individual members submit their own candidacy via email (info_at_emes.net). Institutional members nominate a person to represent it. Submitting your candidacy If you are an individual member and are interested in sending your candidacy, you need to:

1) complete your EMES on-line member profile;

2) send your CV/bio; and

3) send a brief statement of why you would like to join the EMES Board of Directors.

Rules of the process

Candidates can be from any country as International Board members can participate in Board meeting via Skype and/or conference call facilities.

There is a maximum of two candidates per country; should there be more than two, consensus will be sought and if it cannot be reached, the Nominating Committee will make the decision.

All the candidate profiles will be published on EMES website before the election, so members can meet them in person.

The term of office is four years and mandates can be renewed for a maximum of three years, except the immediate past president who can serve four consecutive terms.

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