9EMESconf - Abstract submission

Paper, poster, and panel proposals can be submitted in English or German but the language for presentations at the conference will be English. A maximum of two proposals (abstract of paper, poster or panel) per author as main author will be accepted (three if s/he is a second author).

Paper abstracts should not exceed 800 words (including references) and they should include:

  • Title of the paper.
  • The conference’s thematic line addressed (not obligatory).
  • A statement of the empirical or theoretical question locating it within the scientific literature.
  • A concise account of the empirical or theoretical methodological approach.
  • The main argument of the paper.
  • A statement of the main conclusions and their relevance to an international audience.
  • Main references.

A panel submission is a proposal for a coordinated set of papers (usually 3 or 4) on a particular topic or issue. Please note that panel proposals require an abstract identifying and justifying the theme of the panel as well as a full abstract for each panel paper. To submit a panel please prepare a panel proposal that includes the following elements:

  • Title of the panel.
  • Rationale of the panel.
  • Complete information of the panel coordinator.
  • Complete information of all the presenting authors.
  • One full abstract (of 800 word max.) per participating author.
  • The conference’s thematic line addressed (not obligatory).

Panel proposals that do not include full abstracts and author information for each paper will not be considered. The person submitting the panel proposal will be considered as the panel coordinator and s/he will be responsible for ensuring that all proposed papers’ presenters commit to attending the conference.

A poster proposal is an alternative to presenting a full research paper. New researchers/PhD students in particular are invited to share work-in-progress by means of a poster. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference and a designated session will be scheduled in which participants will be offered the opportunity to meet with authors to discuss their work. Posters should have a specific format dimensions that will be communicated to selected authors. The organizers will provide the system to hang them up, so authors will need to print out and bring them to the conference.

Authors will be able to submit their abstracts via the online submission platform until 20th March 2023 (new date). Please note that submissions will be accepted ONLY via the online system: email submissions will not be accepted. 

Thematic line convenors will review the abstracts associated to their thematic line. They will undergo a blind evaluation process based on a set of criteria available on the conference page. The conveners will make the final decision as to whether a paper is accepted and in which type of session it is to be presented.

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