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The key role of social enterprises and the social and solidarity economy in post-pandemic societies

20-23 June 2022 (Sevilla, Spain)



Facultad de Económicas y empresariales, University of Seville

The Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences,was founded in October 1971 and is located on the Ramón y Cajal Campus of the University of Seville. It offers the possibility of studying degrees in Business Administration and Management, Economics, Marketing and Research in Markets, Double Degree in Business Administration and Law, in addition to a wide range of specialized postgraduate and doctoral studies. The Faculty celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022.




The Research Group “SMEs and economic development” of the University of Seville (PYMED) began its activity in 1994. Linked since its start to the Department of Applied Economics I of this University, the group is currently composed of 13 researchers. For more than two decades of activity, the PYMED has focused on complimentary research lines related to the impact of entrepreneurs and SMEs on economic development. PYMED activity has been spread out in research projects financed or led by institutions such as the Seville City Council and the Provincial Administration of Seville, the Administration of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the European Commission and the OECD, among others. It has produced a large number of publications with a high national and international impact.

Ministry of Labour and Social Economy

The Ministry of Labour and Social Economy ( MITES) is the department of the Government of Spain responsible for planning and carrying out the government policy on labour relations and social economy.

Social Council, University of Seville

Social Council of University of Seville is the university governing body that guarantees the participation of Seville´s community in the University. As a collegiate body, it represents, through its members, the different social interests of the general public of Seville.




IUSEN aims to serve as a channel for all research activity in economics and business at the University of Seville, grouping basic, applied and multidisciplinary research that responds to objectives and content related to the business field. Following the intentions of the Framework Programme: Horizon 2020, the National R&D Plan and the Andalusian Research Plan, emphasis is placed on seeking to improve the quality of research, promoting the most innovative aspects and their impact on the industrial, economic and social sphere.






CajamarCaja Rural is the leading rural savings bank and credit union in Spain. It has 1.5 million members and 3.5 million customers. It is integrated and is the first shareholder of GrupoCooperativoCajamar. Cajamar operates in 47 provinces in Andalusia, Aragón, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Cantabria, Castile-La Mancha, Castile-León, Catalonia, Community of Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, Madrid, Navarra, Basque Country, Murcia, and the autonomous cities Ceuta and Melilla. Based on its size and volume of assets, it is one of the 10 significant banking entities in the Spanish financial system and, therefore, comes under the direct supervision of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), made up of the European Central Bank and the relevant national authorities in the participating countries.




FAECTA (Andalusian Federation of Work Cooperative Enterprises) represents work cooperatives in Andalusia, a sector that generates stable and quality employment. FAECTA supports the entrepreneurial culture and promotes self-employment under the work cooperatives model. As social agents, they dialogue and represent work cooperatives in front of the Public Administration with the aim of creating stable employment, exercising economic democracy and favouring equal opportunities.



Seville Local Council

The City Council of Seville is the top-tier administrative and governing body of the municipality of Seville, Spain.




UNEI is a social enterprise specialized in work integration providing added value to other companies, institutions and society, through efficiency and quality, innovation and an extraordinary human team.

UNEI’s mission is to contribute to transforming the world into an emotionally healthier, more empathetic place, while at the same time creating opportunities for the inclusion of people with mental health issues and other difficulties. While combining energy and enthusiasm, employment and innovation, UNEI integrates a group of professional, competitive and extraordinary talents.


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