8EMEStrainingschool - Application and registration

The key role of social enterprises and the social and solidarity economy in post-pandemic societies

20-23 June 2022 (Seville, Spain)

The 8th EMES Training school offers four registration options, depending on whether the participant is a member of EMES and whether s/he is coming from non-OECD countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

EMES member *

  • Full registration > 375€
  • Reduced registration (non-OECD countries) >75€

* Participants registering under this fee will need to provide proof of membership (username). If you are not an EMES member and would like to join, you can do so directly on-line here (please select the “Graduate membership” fee of 50€).

Non-EMES member

  • Full registration > 450€
  • Reduced registration (non-OECD countries) >150€

The registration cost covers registration fees, coffee breaks, lunches and one dinner. Travel, accommodation and rest of meals are to be covered by the participant. The organizers will provide a list of affordable accommodation options (including student housing). Depending on the availability of available funding, we may be able to offer additional grants.

Application form (important dates)

Application submission deadline //NEW DATE//: 4th March 2022. In order to apply, please download and complete the Application Form available on the right hand side of this page and submit it to 8EMEStrainingschool@emes.net . Remember that both PhD candidates and Early Career Researchers (PhD+7 years of research experience) are welcome in this training school.

The result of the selection process will be communicated to applicants by 18th March 2022.

The registration will open on April 1st (a dedicated page will be created).

The deadline to register will be 13th May 2022.

Training school begins on 20th June 2022.

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