Member's Degrees

Findings and expertise stemming from EMES’ projects have been included in courses relating to the social economy, voluntary sector, non-profit area, public and non-profit management, social enterprise, and entrepreneurship. These courses are taught by EMES members and researchers who have participated directly in these projects and have a vital role in disseminating these results.

The research centres members of EMES are involved in the following university programs:


Member's Degrees

University Certificate in Management of Social Enterprises

The 138-hour training programme is intended for executives already working in social enterprises and for persons interested by the sector; it allows them to develop their action and reflection capacities through the use of strategic tools adapted to their needs and values.

Masters in Cooperative and Social Enterprise

If you are interested in pursuing or developing a professional or voluntary career in the co-operative or social enterprise field, the MSc in Co-operative and Social Enterprise is designed with you in mind. It is a part-time course taken over one or two calendar years.

Master in Social Entrepreneurship and Management

The Master in Social Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM) is designed as an in-depth education for students who want to specialise in studies of the social dimension of entrepreneurship and management.

Master in Management of Social Enterprises - HEC-ULg

HEC-ULg sets itself as a pioneer among French-language Belgian universities by proposing, from the 2010-2011 university year onward, a special orientation on the “Management of social enterprises” within its two-year Master programme in Management Sciences.

Master in Management of Social Enterprises - Euricse

Master GIS aims to create “social managers” able to understand the complexity of the economic and social contexts and to operate successfully within such enterprises by mixing entrepreneurial efficiency and effectiveness in order to reach a social goal.

BSc in Rural Development

The NUI Diploma & BSc Degree in Rural Development is a professional qualification for mature students active in the development of rural areas.

BSc (Hons) Mutual and Credit Union Business

This degree exposes students to the range of business and social science disciplines and their application in a credit union or other social enterprise context. The programme is aimed at mature students who are practitioners, professional or voluntary, in this area.

What are you interested in?