Member's Courses

Within the education offer of their respective universities, the various EMES members organize specific courses, most of them available to foreign students and researchers.


Member's Courses

Théories du développement

After this course, the student must be able to locate the different development theories from 1945 till nowadays and to understand relationships between theories and the economic, social and po-litical context based on an historical analysis.

Social Economy and Social Enterprise

This course provides an introduction to the social economy of Sweden and other countries, and acquaints students with central theoretical approaches to research in this field.

Financing of Social Enterprise

This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding, as well as operational knowledge of the economic rationality of the various modes of financing of social enterprises (public funding, price-fixing, fund-raising).

Finance, éthique et solidarité

This course aims to provide students with the tools for analyzing the links between finance, ethics and solidarity and for examining critically the existing experiences in the field of finance ethics and solidarity. The course is based on the interventions of practitioners and scholars in this field in so-called “North” and “South”.

Entrepreneurship and Management in The Social Economy

This practice-oriented course aims to provide a new grid of analysis to understand collective stakes at society level, to improve the knowledge of social enterprise, to highlight the specificity of management in social economy enterprises and to allow the student to gain knowledge of these “adapted” management principles.

Economie Sociale

The objective of this course is to analyze non -profit (third sector) organizations. The goal is to understand their place within the economy besides the for profit sector and public authorities.

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