Looking back before moving on! Accomplishments of a completed phase

Looking back before moving on! Accomplishments of a completed phase

When the Management Committee first met in Brussels in 2017, it knew that the SE community needed more networking and scientific opportunities. Although new international research workshops, training school, seminar would certainly meet SE-researchers expectations, they were far from expecting that our EMPOWER-SE Action would be such a success.

The beginning of May marked more than the end of our 2nd Grant Period (GP2). It also brought a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. A natural sense of accomplishment unfolds when we look back at the (successful) events held between this past year? In the space of 11 months and 29 days (exactly!), our Action events have caught the attention AND participation of a bit more than 340 researchers coming from all over the world! It allowed for the organization of two intensive and fruitful Meetings on “Foundations of Social Enterprises” (Lisbonand Budapest), two Research Workshops on migration (Trento) and  social and health services (Frankfurt), one International Training School (Marseille), one Polanyi International Workshop (Roskilde) and, very recently, one International PhD Seminar (Seville).



If you want to have a general idea of all of these GP2 achievements, visit our new results section on the Empower-SE websiteFeel free to read, watch and share the proceedings, testimonial videos, stakeholders briefs, etc.



Recollecting the engagement of many passionate, extremely dedicated local organizing teams, evaluators, scientific committee members, chairs, stakeholders deserves recognition from all of us as well. 


Therefore, we take the opportunity of this news to thank all of those crucial partners: Silvia, Lars, Francesca, Giulia, Melinda & Julianna and Carmen (and their respective local team). Thanks for contributing to strengthen the SE research community!


Want to join our EMPOWER-SE Action? Visit our website and chose the Working Group you would like to join. Feel free to share as widely as possible!

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