8EMESconf - Conference committees

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The Conference will have a hybrid format, so face-to-face and digital participation is foreseen. As organizers, we will continue to
closely monitor the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic and keep all registered participants informed.

The chairs of the conference are Millán Díaz-Foncea (GESES-University of Zaragoza, Spain) and Tracey Coule (Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom).

Two scientific committees (local and international) were set up to coordinate all the preparations for the conference. The local scientific committee included EMES members and other experts of the academic networks in the field from Spain. They are listed below according to their main affiliation. The international scientific committee included EMES members as well as other scholars interested in the field.

Local Scientific Committee

  1. Saioa Arando (Mondragon Unibersitatea)
  2. Paloma Bel (Complutense University of Madrid)
  3. Ignacio Bretos (University of Zaragoza)
  4. Maite Cancelo (University of Santiago de Compostela)
  5. Rafael Chaves (University of Valencia)
  6. Anjel Errasti (University of the Basque Country)
  7. Carmen Guzmán (University of Sevilla)
  8. Francisco López-Arceiz (Public University of Navarra)
  9. Carmen Marcuello (University of Zaragoza)
  10. Elena Meliá (Politecnic University of Valencia)
  11. Blanca Miedes (University of Huelva)
  12. Teresa Savall (University of Valencia)
  13. Isabel Saz Gil (Universidad de Zaragoza)
  14. Eloi Serrano (University Pompeu Fabra)

International Scientific Committee

  1. Juan Fernando Álvarez (Universidad Javeriana of Colombia, Colombia)
  2. Linda Lundgaard Andersen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
  3. Gabriela Avram (University of Limerick, Ireland)
  4. Swati Banerjee (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India)
  5. Danijel Baturina (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
  6. Ellen Bennet (Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom)
  7. Carlo Borzaga (University of Trento/EURICSE, Italy)
  8. Taco Brandsen (Radbourg University, The Netherlands)
  9. Marie J. Bouchard (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
  10. Roberto Cañedo (University of Guerrero, Mexico)
  11. Anna Ciepielewska-Kowalik (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
  12. Kate Cooney (Yale University, United States)
  13. Jacques Defourny (HEC-ULg, Belgium)
  14. Florence Degavre (UCL, Belgium)
  15. Bernard Enjolras (ISF, Norway)
  16. Philippe Eynaud (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)
  17. Sílvia Ferreira (CES-UCoimbra, Portugal)
  18. Luiz Inacio Gaiger (UNISINOS, Brazil)
  19. Giulia Galera (EURICSE, Italy)
  20. Malin Gawell (Södertörns Högskola, Sweden)
  21. Katherine Gibson (Western Sydney University, Australia)
  22. Nicole Göler von Ravensburg (Frankfurt UAS, Germany)
  23. Lars Hulgård (Roskilde Universit, Denmark)
  24. Benjamin Huybrechts (EM-Lyon/HEC-ULe, Belgium)
  25. Yu-Yuan Kuan (National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan)
  26. Jean-Louis Laville (CNAM/LISE, France)
  27. Joanne McNeill (Western Sydney University, Australia)
  28. Melinda Mihály (HAS, Hungary)
  29. Leandro P. Morais (UNESP, Brazil)
  30. Kim Shinyang (Korean Association for Social Economy Studies, South Korea)
  31. Sonja Novkovic (Saint Mary’s University, Canada)
  32. Marthe Nyssens (UCL, Belgium)
  33. Mary O’Shaughnessy (UCC, Ireland)
  34. Francesca Petrella (AMU, France)
  35. Simone Poledrini (University of Perugia, Italy)
  36. Mario Radrigan (University of Chile, Chile)
  37. Michael Roy (GCU, United Kingdom)
  38. Fernanda Wanderley (Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas, Bolivia)
  39. Dennis Young (Georgia State University, United States)

Organizing Committee

EMES Coordination Unit: Rocío Nogales Muriel

GESES-University of Zaragoza: Mohammad Bataineh, Cristina Bernad, Antonio Eito, Chabier Gimeno, Juan David Gómez, Alla Kristina Lozenko, Bogdan Radu Marhelka (University of Zaragoza); Pablo Pérez (Technology Institute of Aragon)

Other institutions: Maite Legarra (Mondragon Unibertsitatea); Ana Olveira (University of Santiago de Compostela); Lidia Valiente (University of Seville); Esther Haro and Esther Villajos (University of Valencia)

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