7<sup>th</sup> EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

The 7th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise aims to be one of the world’s central meeting places for all researchers that are involved in social enterprise, social entrepreneurship and social and solidarity economy research across the globe.

  1. Conference rationale
  2. Thematic lines and conveners
  3. Conference organisers
  4. Conference committees
  5. Transdisciplinary Forum
  6. Conference registration
  7. Getting there and accommodation
  8. Abstract submission
  9. Paper and poster guidelines
  10. About Social Enterprise International

The EMES International Research Network, in partnership with the FairShares Institute for Cooperative Social Entrepreneurship (FSI) and Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University, are pleased to announce the 7th EMES International Research Conference on the theme “Sustainable development through social enterprise, co operative and voluntary action”.

The conference will take place on June 24-27, 2019, at Sheffield Hallam University in the United Kingdom (UK). The aim of this conference is to be a meeting place for scholars from across the globe who have developed contributions to scholarship on the social and solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, cooperative development and voluntary action.

On 24 June we will hold a Transdisciplinary Forum for which there will be a separate booking system for people who are only attending this day. Full conference delegates are welcome to attend the Transdisciplinary Day.

The conference will be co-organized by the EMPOWER-SE Cost Action as well as other partner institutions and supporters. We are pleased to launch the full call for papers, which includes relevant information about the conference rationale, themes and organizers.

Regular updates on the Conference are sent via the EMPOWER-SE and EMES news alerts and the social media (Facebook and Twitter). The hashtags for the event will be #7EMESconf and #EMPOWERSE_EU.

Questions about any aspect of the Conference can be sent to 7EMESconf@emes.net

Important Dates

  • Opening of abstract submission – 8th October 2018
  • Submission of abstracts deadline – 25th January 2019 (extended)
  • Opening of conference registration – 11th February 2019
  • Notification to authors – 28th February 2019
  • Deadline for early-bird registration – 1st April 2019
  • Deadline for conference registration for presenters – 3rd May 2019
  • Full paper submission (for awards) – 24th May 2019
  • Programme publication – 7th June 2019
  • Deadline for registration for non-presenters – 17th June 2019
  • Conference opening – 24th June 2019
  • Full paper submission – 30th August 2019



7EMESconf - Thematic lines and conveners

What is the role of social enterprise, cooperative and voluntary action in addressing, undermining and transforming sustainable development? This includes but is not limited to: poverty and inequality; quality of life; environment and eco-systems and; managing sustainable economies.

7EMESconf - Abstract submission

Paper, poster, and panel proposals can be submitted in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish, but the language for presentations at the conference will be English. A maximum of two proposals (abstract of paper, poster or panel) per author as main author will be accepted (three if s/he is a second author).

7EMESconf - Transdisciplinary Forum

The 7th EMES Conference will host another unique Transdisciplinary Forum, with workshops on values-led enterprise, European FairShares Lab, social innovation education (NEMESIS), surviving your PhD, community economy, social housing and community finance.

What are you interested in?