4<sup>th</sup> EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise

Univ. of Liege (Belgium)
EMES, in partnership with the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction Pole on Social Enterprise (IAP-SOCENT) and with the support of the Centre for Social Economy at HEC Management School of the University of Liege, organized the 4th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise in July 2013.

Some figures

Three full days | 325 researchers from more than 40 countries, including 75 PhD students | Over 295 papers presented in 78 parallel sessions | 4 plenary sessions with 14 guest speakers

A full-day pre-conference Forum | 40 speakers in 7 semi-plenary fora “From research to practice, and back” | A post-conference kick-off meeting of the “International Comparative Social Enterprise Models” (ICSEM) Project | More than 100 researchers already involved

EMES-SOCENT Selected Conference Papers

Following the 4th EMES Conference in Liege (Belgium), the EMES Network and the SOCENT Programme published 70 selected conference papers (click here to go to the page). The opportunity for being included in this series was offered to authors presenting an advanced enough paper during the event.

The deadline for submission was September 30th so the first selection of the papers was launched in mid-October 2013. Although submitted papers were not be reviewed as for a publication process, the Conference Academic Committee checked that they meet some minimum requirements to be included in this series. Papers included in the EMES-SOCENT Selected Conference Papers series are numbered according to the order of reception and are available to download free of charge: they were downloaded over 2,000 times in 2013. 

Best paper award

The winners of the “Best Conference Paper” are Simon Teasdale, Fergus Lyon and Rob Baldock for their paper “The politically motivated construction of evidence: A methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth”. They kindly donated the 350€ to advance the EMES PhD Network in the form of a bursary for participation in the 4th EMES PhD Summer School (July 2014).

This paper has been published on the, originally published in the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship (Volume 4, Issue 2, 2013). An Open Access status has been granted so it is free to access in its online version.Please use the following link: www.tandfonline.com

Feedback from participants

All participants received an evaluation survey in order to capture their opinions about the event both at the content and organizational level. A total of 48 responses were gathered, some during the conference and some after a second effort to gather feedback done via a survey.




4EMESconf - Thematic lines

While constituting major avenues in the social enterprise research agenda, the thematic lines defined below should also be seen as various possible “entry points” to examine the development of social enterprise and discuss its contribution to global challenges such as sustainable development, social inclusion, ethics in the economy, etc.

4EMESconf - Scientific Committee

EMES network has the honor of counting with the support of more than 33 renowned international scholars as members of its 4th research conference in Liege (Belgium). Covering 19 countries, these scholars will assist with the selection of the abstract and panel submissions received.

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