This 2023 will see the third round of open elections of EMES. The composition of the EMES Board of Directors, according to the new bylaws, is as follows:
- 8 members representing “institutional members” category
- 5 members representing the “individual members” category
- 1 PhD representative (non-elected; designated by the PhD network)
- 1 Former President (non-elected)
The EMES President and other roles (Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer) are chosen by the Board among elected institutional and individual Boardâs members.
This will be an important year both from an administrative and strategic standpoint. Firstly, we will be revising the original EMESâ bylaws, which were originally published in 2002, then revised in 2005 and 2015. In addition, we will crystallize the new Strategic Plan, covering 2023-2025. In addition, we will hold our 9th International Research Conference on Social Enterprise in Frankfurt.
The goal of having open elections is to allow members to partake directly in how the network is governed. The need of strengthening the Coordination Unit of EMES in the long term runs in parallel to that of having a vibrant, lively community that is able of preparing and completing groundbreaking research on SE. In this context, responsibilities os Board members include: to develop, coordinate and host research projects and events and possibly to generate funding and resources and to be actively involved in the networkâs governance.
Candidates for the 2023 elections
As foreseen in the bylaws, a âNominating Committeeâ was created to receive candidacies alongside with a statement from each of the candidates explaining their concrete commitment to the network, if elected. This Committee includes two members form the Board and two external members who are not running for election and is supported by the Coordination Unit. The members of the Nominating Committee for the 2023 elections are Marthe Nyssens and Taco Brandsen representing the current Board and Coline Serres and Benjamin Huybrechts. Interested candidates in representing institutional and individual members submitted their CV and a letter of intention by June 10th.
Elected Institutional member representatives
- CES (Belgium) â FrĂ©dĂ©ric Dufays
- CES (Portugal) â Silvia Ferreira (renewal)
- CIRTES â AnaĂŻs Perrilleux
- CSE (Denmark) – Linda Andersen (renewal)
- EURICSE (Italy) – Giulia Galera (renewal)
- LEST (France) – Francesca Petrella (renewal)
- UCC (Ireland) â Lucas Olmedo
- SH (Sweden) – Malin Gawell
Elected Individual member representatives
- Nicole Göler von Ravensburg, Germany (renewal)
- Danijel Baturina, Croatia
- Kai Green, Denmark
- Kerryn Krige, United Kingdom
- Sergio PĂĄramo Ortiz
Important dates
- 15/01 – Set up a nominating committee
- 30/03 – Announce open elections for the Board
- 10/04-10/06 – Open submission period for candidacies
- 10/06 – Deadline for candidacies submissions
- 01/09 – Set up the voting process in the platform – Members will be able to cast their vote electronically from September 1st until October 1st via a link that will be shared with them via email. Only members whose membership dues are in order will be able to vote.
- 01/10 – Deadline for voting
- November 2023: Meeting of the new Board (with assignment of roles)
Learn about EMES membership and become a member here.
Please let us know if you have any questions by writing to us at