Elections of directors 2019

In 2015, EMES’ new statutes were approved; they included open elections for the Board of directors where all members could participate. That same year, the first open elections of EMES were held, resulting in the first Board elected by the members of the network.

The composition of the Board of Directors is as follows:

  • 8 people representing institutional members
  • 4 people representing individual members
  • 1 elected PhD representative

The EMES President is chosen by the Board among elected institutional and individual Board’s members.

As the EMES Network faces important challenges related to its fast development and the need to strengthen its staff and its financial basis, it needs Board members who will bring in different kinds of resources. More than ever indeed, responsibilities should be shared among Board members. They include: to develop, coordinate and host research projects and events and possibly to generate funding and resources and to be actively involved in the network’s governance.

In such a perspective, the Board has appointed a “Nominating Committee” in charge of receiving candidacies alongside with a statement from each of the candidates explaining their concrete commitment to the network, if elected.

Important dates

  • July 31: Deadline for submission of all (institutional and individual) candidacies
  • August: Preparation of the information regarding the nominated candidates and voting platform
  • September 10: Launch of the voting process
  • October 10: End of the voting period
  • October 15: Publication of results
  • November: Last meeting of the current Board
  • January- February 2020: Meeting of the new Board (with assignment of roles)

Learn about EMES membership and become a member here.


Please let us know if you have any questions by writing to us at membership@emes.net

Candidates for the 2019 elections

By July 31st, 2019, the Nominating Committee has received 9 candidacies from representatives of institutional members and 6 candidacies representing individual members. Please find below a short presentation of each of the candidates that includes their bios and their commitment statement for the elections.

Members will be able to cast their vote electronically from September 10th until October 10th via a link that will be shared with them via email. Only members whose membership dues are in order will be able to vote.

Institutional member representatives

  1. CBS (Ireland) – Mary O’Shaughnessy. Renewal
  2. CES (Portugal) – Silvia Ferreira. Renewal
  3. CIRTES (Belgium) – Marthe Nyssens. Renewal
  4. CNAM (France) – Philippe Eynaud
  5. CSE (Denmark) – Linda Andersen
  6. EURICSE (Italy) – Giulia Galera. Renewal
  7. LEST (France) – Francesca Petrella. Renewal
  8. SHU (UK) – Tracey Coule
  9. SH (Sweden) – Malin Gawell

Individual member representatives

  1. Taco Brandsen (Netherlands). Renewal
  2. Bernard Enjolras (Norway)
  3. Luiz Inácio Gaiger (Brazil)
  4. Nicole Göler von Ravensburg (Germany). Renewal
  5. Julianna Kiss (Hungary)
  6. Simone Poledrini (Italy)

Institutional representatives

CBS (Ireland) - Mary O'Shaughnessy (renewal)

I am a senior Lecturer at Cork University Business School (CUBS) at University College Cork (UCC). Over the past decade I have developed a teaching and research portfolio in communitarian/community-based rural social entrepreneurship/social enterprise and sustainable rural development.

I have earned a reputation as a national and international expert in my research field with a proven record in securing external and prestigious research funding through interdisciplinary, comparative and cross-regional research. My research informs the public and contributes to policy. I have an extensive track record of statutory and community stakeholder research reports. My research impact is articulated in diverse fora including public and community-based research seminars, commissioned reports, international podcasts and peer-reviewed journals.

If re-elected to the board of EMES I will continue to serve the collective interests of EMES and its membership base. In particular I will continue to assume responsibilities for institutional sustainability related tasks including the continuation of my role of Short Term Scientific Manager (COST Action 16202) and co-organising the 2020 EMES International PhD Summer School at UCC.

CES (Portugal) – Silvia Ferreira (renewal)

It is my great honour to renew my application to be institutional board member in representation of the Center for Social Studies (Centro de Estudos Sociais), the largest social sciences and humanities research center in Portugal, whose mission has strong affinities with that of the EMES Network. Amongst its broad range of topics several researchers carry on research on social and solidarity economy, social enterprises and the third sector, social policy and welfare, equality, democracy and social movements, among others.

I am assistant professor in Sociology at the Faculty of Economics of Coimbra University (FEUC), researcher at the Centre for Social Studies and at the Center for Cooperative and Social Economy Studies of FEUC. I am co-coordinator of the Sociology PhD Program and of the Post-graduation in Social Economy. I hold a PhD in Sociology from Lancaster University (UK). My first EMES conference was in 2005 and I’ve been involved in it since then. I participated in the EMES conferences with several roles, in the Summer Schools and in the FETSE steering committee. I am member of the EMES board since2015 and I am involved in collective research projects (ICSEM, Mapping).

I’ve been acting as a Vice-chair of the COST Action EMPOWER-SE and soon I will take on the role of Chair. I am also organising with other colleagues the 3rd WG2 Research Workshop on “Unlocking the transformative potential of culture and the arts through SE” which I intend to contribute to become a vibrant topic at EMES and an affinity group.

CIRTES (Belgium) - Marthe Nyssens (renewal)

As a founding member of EMES and current president, I feel committed to ensuring that the EMES community remains as a welcoming intellectual home for its members. Trust-based relations and mutual learning have been at the core of EMES since its beginning; they also constitute the network’s defining trait and the best guarantee toward the sustainability of the community and body of knowledge that it nurtures.

EMES has embarked in a new strategic planning effort in light of the consolidation and transformation needed to cope with a new phase in the development of the network. This strategic planning effort is the result of the voluntary commitment of a whole human and intellectual community and especially the EMES Coordination Unit and the Board. The Strategic Plan covers the next three years (2019-2021) and it aims to help reshape EMES in that time framework.

I feel committed to strengthening the institutional capacity of the Coordination Unit as the concrete operational unit of the network. This capacity includes the financial capacity to ensure its viability but also a transparent and active governance and increasing systematization that allows to improve processes and take stock of the organizational knowledge accumulated. The Board of Directors of EMES constitutes a key governance body for the network that ensures that the necessary strategy guidance and resources are available to ensure that the strategic mission of the organization is accomplished. With this new board, I want to contribute to strengthen the collaborative work where each board member could assume specific responsibilities related to EMES activities or governance with recognition.

CNAM (France) – Philippe Eynaud

As an academic researcher, I am strongly involved in the social enterprise research area. I have published many works related to this topic and I have coordinated two books about social enterprise with Routledge.

The first one “Civil society, the Third sector, Social enterprise: governance and democracy” co-edited in 2015 with Laville J.L. and Young D. explored the possibility of a solidarity type of social enterprise.

The second one, just published in 2019, “Theory of social enterprise and pluralism:  Social Movements, Solidarity Economy, and Global South” co-edited with Laville J.L., Dos Santos L.L., Banerjee S., Hulgård H., Avelino F. aiming to engage a multicontinental and pluridisciplinary discussion in order to provide a pluralist theory of social enterprise.

Since the beginning of my research work, I have been a regular member of EMES Network. The EMES conference has been for me a place for meeting outstanding international researchers and for increasing my knowledge thanks to the quality of academic debates inside the network. As a board member, I will be ready to be the correspondent for Polanyi-EMES seminars and to enrich the debate between Polanyian studies and social enterprise studies. I will be also ready to look for the needed funding to support EMES’ financial stability. I know personally many members of the EMES board and I will be pleased and honored to work with them to make EMES network stronger and to keep enlarging its reach.

CSE (Denmark) - Linda Andersen

I am professor in learning, social innovation and evaluation at the Department for People and Technology at Roskilde University and co-director of the Center for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE). I also engage very much with PhD student and head the Doctoral School for People and Technology at RUC.

I have a strong interest in the micro-processes of social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy and social innovation like entrepreneuring, innovating and coproducing, intersectionality, gender and generation, learning, culture and hybridity as well as macro-processes like how the welfare state hinders, facilitates and is being transformed be the SE’s.

I am a nominee from CSE and am very pleased to state, that our engagement in EMES will continue and be strengthened by the dedicated full academic staff at CSE. For the past decades, CSE has been involved in almost all the variety of EMES activities: planning and executing research networks, conferences, summer schools, strategic policy works as well as research proposals and other carry outs. I – and CSE colleagues – value the strengths of EMES so far: research-based networks including early-stage and longtime experienced researchers, engaging scholars from many places in the world, providing insights in cutting-edge research and facilitating research funding. Our future priorities should be to further strengthen the differentiated profile of EMES: further develop in depth small research communities on specific topics, large scale international EMES conferences of the broadest scope, summer schools engaging early stage researchers, develop new research applications promoting networks and scientific undertakings on the frontiers of SEs and strengthen the digital platforms for the EMES communities.

EURICSE (Italy) - Giulia Galera (renewal)

Euricse is an Italian research institute that aims to deepen the understanding of social enterprises and their impact on economic and social development, furthering their growth and assisting them to work more effectively. As one of its founding members, Euricse has actively collaborated with EMES through various activities directed toward the scholarly community, including primarily theoretical and applied research and training.

Euricse has served on the EMES Board of Directors since its founding through its president Carlo Borzaga and then through its senior researcher Giulia Galera, who is now running for a second term. Giulia is co-leading the Euricse/EMES in-progress “Mapping the social enterprise and its ecosystems in Europe” funded by DG Employment. She has recently contributed to organizing the COST WG2 Research Seminar “Tackling the migration and refugee challenge” and is presently leading the COST WG3 on Social Enterprise Ecosystems. Giulia’s research interests include the determinants of social enterprise and their competitive advantages, analysing the ecosystems where they operate up to investigating the innovative fields of engagement and the new societal challenges they tackle. She has studied the design of new pathways to integrate migrants in receiving societies by social enterprises and the social transformations triggered by social enterprises engaged in the fields of culture and art.

In line with EMES Strategic Plan, Euricse will: propose the submission of new EU research projects; launch the creation of an EMES affinity group focused on migration with a view to carrying out new interdisciplinary research and/or training activities; and further promote the consolidation of EMES’ membership base.

LEST (France) - Francesca Petrella (renewal)

Francesca Petrella is candidate to the EMES Board of directors as representative of LEST, one of its French institutional members. She is professor in economics at the Aix-Marseille University and researcher at the LEST since 2006.

She is co-responsible of the MA specialised in the management of social economy and solidarity organisations of the Aix-Marseille University. She is member of research networks at national and international levels (e.g. EMES, CIRIEC, RIUESS). She has developed research works on social economy organisations, their evolution and interactions with public policies, social innovation, quality of work and new forms of governance. In particular, she studied childcare and personal home care services. Recently, she participated in the European research project on Third Sector Impact (TSI) and realised the French report of the European “Mapping Social enterprises and their ecosystem” with Nadine Richez-Battesti. She is also member of the ICSEM Project and of the COST Action Empower-SE. The LEST and Aix-Marseille University organised the 6th EMES-COST training school in Marseille in June 2018.

She would like to stay for a second mandate in the EMES Board to ensure some continuity with what has been done so far within the board. She would like to get involved and meet the challenge to ensure the “sustainable” development of EMES in the next years. She would like to foster the participation of French-speaking scholars and students in EMES activities.  In terms of contributions, she could be the secretary of the board if necessary and/or get involved in the organization of an affinity group.

SHU (UK) - Tracey Coule

My involvement with EMES extends to participation in the Board’s 2018 Strategic Retreat in a governance advisory role, tutoring at the PhD Summer School and playing a central role in the organization and academic programming of the 7th International Research Conference, which aimed to connect researchers studying social enterprise, co-operative and voluntary action.

As someone who has traditionally identified as a civil society/nonprofit rather than a social enterprise scholar, I feel I can play a strong role in bridging, exchanging and stimulating opportunities for fostering a vibrant and pluralistic EMES research community – one of the network’s strategic goals.

If elected, I will bring established relationships and connections with other allied international research associations such as ARNOVA, and its journal Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, enhancing opportunities for collaboration and mutual learning within the respective co-ordination units and research communities. One of my major passions is doctoral education. I would like to focus on the network’s strategic priority of ‘enhancing participation and empowerment of members’ but with an emphasis on emerging scholars. Specifically, I see opportunities to deepen and extend the success of EMES Summer Schools through a systematic approach to developmental activities for the next generation of scholars in our field. This may include workshops on publishing, navigating the recruitment process or managing an academic career within EMES events (e.g. conferences) and the potential for a mentoring scheme. I am enthusiastic to engage more generally in supporting the coordination unit with conference organization.

SH (Sweden) - Malin Gawell

Researchers from Södertörn University has not only followed the development of the field of social enterprises, but has also participated in this development through prior engagement in EMES since both its foundations in 1996. Some of these researchers have now retired while others continue the efforts. Social enterprise is acknowledged and included as part of some of Södertörn University’s many multidisciplinary bachelor and master programmes such as the new international master programme Leadership for Sustainable Development.

In research, social enterprise and topics closely related to this field attracts an increasing number of researchers. We now have a vivid academic environment – across disciplinary boundaries as well as beyond the university’s boundaries through collaboration with other academic and non-academic actors. Social enterprise fits Södertörn University’s profile characterized by critical thinking, informed citizenship and the conversion towards a more sustainable development.

With a nomination for election to the board through its representative, Malin Gawell, Södertörn University wants to step up and intensify its efforts to contribute to the development of this field through conversation, organization and mobilization of resources for continued research related to social enterprise role to meet contemporary challenges in society. The nomination also includes commitment to enhance participation and empowerment of members of the research community within this field through encouragement and the organizing of particular activities supporting this development. Not the least, this includes an involvement in support to PhD candidates and possibly also to organize a PhD summer school in the Nordic setting the next coming years.

Individual representatives

Taco Brandsen (renewal)

My aim as board member is to leave the EMES network stronger than it was.

In recent years, I have been part of the drive to transform EMES into a more open network: making it easier for individual members to join the network, giving them a stronger position on the board and starting board elections. In my third and final term on the board, my main goal would be to complete this process by establishing EMES affinity groups, which would allow individual and institutional members to develop more initiatives, attract new members and take more ownership of the network.

In addition, I would work with the board on an ongoing strategic concern: making the organisation financially sustainable in the long term. A few years ago, I chaired a working group that developed a strategy for this, part of which has been successfully carried through. However, there’s still hard work to do and I hope to be part of it.

Bernard Enjolras

EMES has experienced a significant worldwide growth during the past years. A main challenge for the board in the years to come will be to secure the further expansion of the network while securing its financial and academic consolidation and insuring the sustainability of the coordination unit.

I have a long experience in research leadership and management (as Research director and director of the Center for Research on Civil Society and the Voluntary Sector in Oslo since 2006); in editorship (as editor of Voluntas, 2009-2015, and of the Palgrave Third Sector series since 2019); as board member in research organizations (I have been member of the ISTR board and I am currently member of the board of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo), and in raising research money (among other project I have coordinated the EU-FP7 Third Sector Impact project).

I believe that I can put this experience at the service of the future development of EMES, especially by contributing to the development and implementation of a fundraising development strategy.

Luiz Inácio Gaiger

I have been continuously participating in EMES Network activities for over ten years, like its international conferences and other events promoted in partnership with other organizations (e.g. EMES-Polanyi seminars), publications, research projects and also as a faculty member in some summer schools. This long experience, in a very constructive and collaborative environment, motivates me to continue contributing to EMES.

I understand that my potential contribution comes from my experience of almost 35 years as a scholar and professor, in which I would highlight the following points: a) coordination and participation in comparative studies and international research projects South-North and South-South (America and Africa); b) coordination of several international events (in 2009 and 2013, in association with EMES); c) editing of international publications, including books and academic journals.

In particular, I am willing to: (a) strengthen the ties of the EMES Network with its Latin American counterpart RILESS through joint activities and virtual more integrating mechanisms; b) encourage the participation of doctoral students and researchers from other continents, especially Latin America; c) explore existing Brazilian sources of financial support for international cooperation; d) coordinate or co-chair local and regional conferences as well as propose and coordinate research projects together with EMES. Among the regular assignments of the Board of Directors, I may also be in charge of specific tasks linked to projects and of following up with the coordination of one (or more) members affinity group, in collaboration with the corresponding leaders.

Nicole Göler von Ravensburg (renewal)

My role in the EMES Board in the last years has been to represent the individual members. Apart from acting as the secretary I was involved in the summer school in Marseille and logistically organized and scientifically chaired a COST seminar for Working Group 2 in Frankfurt. I was part of the ongoing acquisition process for project funds and partook in the intense strategic process so utterly important for EMES future.

Should I be elected for another period, I could foresee putting my energy into being the treasurer, thus signing responsible for monitoring and reporting on the general and the project budgets as well as controlling the accounting. I should like to contribute whatever I can to sustaining the financial base for EMES by using my international and German network. And I would offer to co-chair scientific events such as COST seminars or follow up with the coordination of one members’ affinity group (possibly on the topic of SE in welfare) in collaboration with the leaders of each affinity group.

Julianna Kiss

I hereby express my interest to apply for candidacy to the EMES Board of Directors as individual member representative. I joined the EMES research network in 2015, at first contributing to the ICSEM project.
Since then I have also participated in the COST EMPOWER-SE and the EU MAPPING projects. Being an EMES member provided me with great opportunities for professional growth and international networking.

I would like to increase my involvement in the organization, thus I consider this position a wonderful opportunity and great honour. My relevant educational and work experiences regarding the position include (1) social research focusing on social enterprises and the third sector mainly in Hungary and occasionally internationally as well; and (2) project management and coordination, including budgeting, administration, writing applications and organizing events.

I would be happy to contribute to reaching the strategic goals of EMES, to strengthen the research community and foster comparative research, especially through enhancing the participation of CEE members and young researchers, as well as increasing cooperation with practitioners and other relevant stakeholders in the SE field. I am interested in taking on different tasks, from developing and coordinating research projects to participating in fundraising and being involved in governance, including fulfilling the role of the treasurer or secretary. I believe that I could contribute to strengthening the sustainability and further increasing the impact of the network both regarding its academic and management related tasks.

Simone Poledrini

I am an Italian researcher that has been part of the EMES network since 2015. From that time, I joined all our EMES conferences presenting my research and being part of the formal and informal life of our network.
Indeed, I think that EMES is not just a research network but a sort of big family involved in social enterprise studies from different background and disciplines.

In such a perspective, I gave, first of all, my professional contribution to the network being part of the Italian team of the ICSEM Project. Even more, I contributed to two research groups on the analysis of the main ICSEM findings for the final ICSEM book. This and more have shown my ability to build connections between people among a research network and to achieve set goals. I believe this is a fundamental aspect that a member of the board of directors should have to facilitate networking activities among EMES members.

Nowadays, I’m involved in the EMPOWER-SE COST Action, and even for this project, I would like to give my contribution and facilitate the involvement of as much as possible EMES members. Finally, I think that it is necessary to balance the member board in terms of gender and age. For this reason, I step forward on my candidacy as a “representative” of the young members of our network.

What are you interested in?