7EMEStrainingschool - Dynamic

Researching the collaborative dimension of social enterprise

23-24 October 2020 (virtual)
21 June 2021 (Zaragoza, Spain)



Faculty Body

Application and registration

Materials for the virtual phase

This training school is proposed as a hybrid model aiming to combine online content including a combination of online lectures and workshop content and a virtual gathering of training school participants and trainers in October 2020 with a half-day meeting at the next EMES International Research Conference in Zaragoza (Spain) in June 2021.

The 2020 October digital training school will begin one month before (in September 2020) with preparatory lectures and workshop content for the training school participants prepared and made available to the training school participants in advance in order to allow them to deepen their understanding of the topics under discussion and enable them to make a meaningful contribution to the proposed virtual plenary and workshop meetings. The EMES coordination unit will record this content and upload on the EMES platform. This preparatory work in conjunction with full participation in the prescribed workshops and plenary sessions will amount to the total of hours typically corresponding to the three-day traditional training school programme. Participation certificates will be issued to participants who have completed all the phases.

The 2020 October digital gathering will take place over two half days (four hours per day) so as to minimize the time spent in front of the computer. Priority will be given to short sessions during those days, with a focus on smaller groups, which will work in parallel and with a high level of interaction with experienced moderators (our EMES colleagues). A combination of channels and software packages will be used: Zoom, Youtube and the EMES website. All the materials will be made available through the website while the videos of the lectures, workshops and group discussions will be published on the EMES YouTube channel. The online meeting will take place through the Zoom platform and will be recorded.

The physical gathering of this training school will take place in Zaragoza in June 2021. The goal of this half-day is to complete the individual and online collective work done as part of the school. Such a goal will be achieved through a combination of a plenary panel plus a practical workshop as well as a summary of the lessons learned in the previous phases and the progress made since the online gathering in October. The physical face-to-face meeting part of the training school will take place on the afternoon of the day prior to the opening of the 2021 conference.

Individual phases


This 1st phase includes the preparation of recorded online content which will be made available to the training school participants one month in advance of the virtual gathering. The content will be recorded by EMES and hosted on the EMES Youtube Channel and website and only training school participants will have access to this content.

Plenary seminars:

These 2 x (45 mins – 1 hour maximum) sessions will be recorded in advance with the assistance of the EMES Coordination Unit and the content will be made available on the EMES Youtube channel. This online content will be complimented by the General Debate sessions scheduled for the October virtual training workshop. Participants will be encouraged to prepare questions (sent in advance) for the speakers who will address them at the “General debate” session during the online meeting of the training school.

45 mins online recorded content to be prepared and delivered in advance by:

  • “Social enterprises, coops and social inequality” by Benjamin Huybrechts and Nevena Radoynovska
  • “Theoretical foundations and ecosystems of SE” by Marthe Nyssens and Giulia Galera


Three proposed workshops will be developed for the training school and these workshops will incorporate 20 minutes maximum of online recorded content and shared with all training school participants. These workshops will incorporate different tasks for the PhD candidates and ECIs that they can share with all participants during the online meeting in order to generate valuable discussion.

The three proposed workshops (online recorded content x 15 mins) + recap/discussion at the virtual gathering are:

  • Publication workshop by Michael Roy
  • Workshop on wellbeing during the early career path by Beth Patmore
  • Lessons in developing a research project and research funding opportunities (specifically for ECIs) by Taco Brandsen

Group presentations:

All training school participants will be allocated to a specific group and 2 appointed academic mentors (Trainers/EMES Faculty).

PhD candidates

Each student will be asked to record and submit a 15-minute presentation of her/his PhD research (key research objectives, theoretical framework and methodology (proposed or pursued depending on the stage of PhD research) and research challenges). This recording will be shared with other members of the group and each member will be invited to comment on the recordings to encourage both peer evaluation and academic mentoring. The opportunity to share and discuss comments will be provided at the group meetings planned to take place at the virtual meeting in October. Each student will receive 30 minutes of focussed attention on their specific presentations over the 2 half days of the virtual Training School. These group meetings will be moderated by Training School Faculty members.


The recorded workshop online content “Lessons in developing a research project and research funding opportunities” by Taco Brandsen and “Publication strategies workshop for ECIs” – Michael Roy will be worked in depth with ECIs firstly individually and during the virtual meeting. ECIs will have to prepare the tasks assigned as part of the workshop to enrich the online meeting discussion. Similar to the PhD students each participating ECIs will be asked to prepare a 15 minutes recorded presentation of their publications strategy and present a case on a concrete preparation/coordination/participation in a research project.

This recording will be shared with other members of the group and each member will be invited to comment on the recordings to encourage both peer evaluation and academic mentoring. The opportunity to share and discuss comments will be provided at the group meetings planned to take place at the virtual Training School. Each student will receive 30 minutes of focussed attention on their specific presentations over the 2 half days of the virtual Training School.


24-25 October 2020, Zoom and EMES Youtube channel

Download the call to see the programme.


21st June 2021, Zaragoza, Spain

The goal of this half-day is to complete the individual and online collective work done as part of this school. Such goal will be achieved through a combination of a plenary panel plus a practical workshop as well as a summary of the lessons learned in the previous phases and the progress made since the online gathering in October.

The physical face-to-face meeting part of the training school will take place on the afternoon of the day prior to the opening of the conference and will include:

  • Plenary seminars: “SSE for people and the planet” by Lars Hulgård and Swati Banerjee
  • Workshop: Research methodologies
  • Group work: Group members will share an update on what they have done since the online meeting in October, focusing on lessons learned and progress made. A spokesperson will be selected from each group to gather the input and present a group summary


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