2<sup>nd</sup> EMES International PhD Summer School. Roskilde (Denmark)

2nd EMES International PhD Summer School. Roskilde (Denmark)

The three SE pillars: Social Entrepreneurship, Social Economy and Solidarity Economy


EMES European Research Network (EMES)
Centre for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE). Roskilde University

The idea of an EMES PhD International Summer School aims to complete and widen the offer available to future scholars by providing them important analytical frameworks. The goal is to strengthen the training of graduate students by means of in-depth and varied theoretical lectures, debates, workshops and presentations by the students themselves.

In a similar vein, numerous PhD and Masters theses on topics related to the extensive field referred to as the “third sector” are currently being prepared, both in traditional university schools – such as political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, etc. – and in business schools. Regardless of the approach used – non-profit studies, social economy, solidarity-based economy, social enterprise, etc. – the academic recognition of this field is being mirrored by the existence or creation of a number of specialized university programs and research centres that attract an increasing number of young researchers.

Nevertheless, specific doctoral training programs for young scholars in the third sector, addressing theoretical and hands-on research issues, do not abound, and the existing programs favour either a socio-political or a non-profit perspective.

From a content standpoint, the specificity of EMES PhD summer schools lays in:

  • an innovative cross-analysis of the major theoretical trends in the field (social economy and solidarity-based economy, and NPO theories), with an eye on providing new analytical tools to undertake research in the sector;
  • the solid and pioneering experience of the professors involved in the field of research related to social enterprise and social entrepreneurship, with an eye on creating a dialogue with other conceptions.

2EMES Training 2

Faculty Body

The 2th EMES Summer School faculty body included well-known professors from recognised research centres covering a wide spectrum of research themes, and this multi-disciplinary approach represented a major strength for the participants. They included:

  1. Linda Lundgard Andersen, Roskilde University, Denmark
  2. Carlo Borzaga, University of Trento/EURICSE, Italy
  3. Taco Brandsen, Radboud University, The Netherlands
  4. José Luis Coraggio, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS), Argentina
  5. Jacques Defourny,  Center for Social Economy, HEC-University of Liege, Belgium
  6. Bernard Enjolras, Institute for Social Research, Norway
  7. Adalbert Evers, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany
  8. Luiz Inácio Gaiger, UNISINOS, Brazil
  9. Isabelle Hillenkamp, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France
  10. Lars Hulgård, Roskilde University, Denmark
  11. Benjamin Huybrechts, HEC-ULg, Belgium
  12. Marthe Nyssens, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
  13. Jean-Louis Laville, LISE/CNAM, France
  14. Victor Pestoff, Ersta Sköndal högskola, Sweden
  15. Roger Spear, Roskilde University, Denmark



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