Social development through organizational development? Innovative organization of cooperation between social and cultural enterprises in the "kHaus" Basel

Social development through organizational development? Innovative organization of cooperation between social and cultural enterprises in the
Madeleine Grauer | Marc E.Zimmermann

ESCP-9EMES-5-Grauer-E.Zimmermann / 2023


The study analyzes the participatory development and implementation of a new operational concept for a shared place of work and activity: the “kHaus” in Basel. It evaluates the roles and vessels of cooperation of the involved actors and stakeholders in and around the building. The study highlights the challenges and limitations of internal collaboration and co-creation, which are influenced by unclear roles, scarce resources and differing expectations. The study provides recommendations on how social innovation can be strengthened through participation, learning processes and intermediary roles and how collaboration can be promoted in the long term.

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