10EMESconf - Conference organisers

10EMESconf - Conference organisers

Conference Organizers

EMES (EMES International Research Network) is a research network of 15 established university research centers and over 300 individual researchers from over 50 countries. Together, they aim at gradually building up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical, pluri-disciplinary knowledge, and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, cooperatives, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy, and social innovation. EMES has conducted over 15 international comparative research projects and organized international bi-annual conferences and PhD summer schools. Created in 1996, EMES opened its membership to researchers and PhD students from around the world and has held nine major international conferences since 2001. In addition, EMES collaborates with international organizations and governments at all levels to advance the understanding of social enterprise and support evidence-based policy‐making around the world.

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University: Over the past 50 years, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has firmly established its reputation as one of Europe’s most international and innovative business schools. Founded by business, RSM’s long history with international companies has become a reciprocal and supportive relationship. Its mission is to be a force for positive change in the world and for this, RSM is committed to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals as the framework for defining ‘positive change’. Offering a distinct intellectual culture, RSM aims to improve the practice of business and management through research, education, and RSM’s engagement with alumni and corporate and societal partners.

Utrecht University is a wide-range, international research university of high standing. Founded in 1636, UU has developed a strong connection to the city of Utrecht. Today, the UU comprises 7 faculties with over 40,000 students. UU is working towards a better world. by researching complex issues beyond the borders of disciplines, by putting thinkers in contact with doers, so new insights can be applied. UU gives students the space to develop themselves and by doing so, UU strives to make substantial contributions to society, both now and in the future. Utrecht University: sharing science, shaping tomorrow.


  • Follow updates on the conference and sign up for the EMES News Alerts at www.emes.net
  • For any questions about this conference, please write to 10emesconf@emes.net
  • LinkedIn: emes-international-research-network | rotterdam-school-of-management-erasmus-university  | universiteit-utrecht
  • Facebook: @EMESnetwork | @RotterdamSchoolofManagementErasmusUniversity | @UtrechtUniversity
  • Instagram: @rsmerasmus | @utrechtuniversity
  • Event hashtags: #10EMESconf | #ScalingThroughCommunities | #SEBoostingSocietalTransitions
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