EMES Polanyi Seminars

The first EMES-Polanyi seminar was held in February 2012 and the second EMES-Polanyi seminar in May 2016 at Cnam, Paris. They represented solid successes both in terms of academic results and participation. The events brought together renown scholars and a growing public interested in the Polanyian approach to political and economic sociology and related disciplines to discuss specific papers and Polanyi’s ouvre overall in light of the current social situation.

The events offered the two partner organizations, EMES and the Polanyi Institute to identify an audience interested in Karl Polanyi and his legacy. The Polanyian analitical approach and the novel dimensions brought forward in his writings offer a way to enrich the debates around social and solidarity economy as well as social enterprise and social innovation against the ultimate background of democracy. A much needed different approach from the mainstream ones that originate in business and economics and reduce the space for additional approaches to be brought into the discussion. The contribution of Polanyi to the social sciences connects with authors like Habermas and Fraser and other European scholars interested in deepening the link between approaches on both sides of the Atlantic.

EMES – Polanyi Selected Conference Papers

[French version below]

This page brings together Working Papers from EMES-Polanyi international seminar whose main purpose is to contribute to the analysis of the contemporary recomposition of the relationship between the economy and democracy. These open and pluralistic reflection seminars were held under the aegis of Karl Polanyi because they are inspired by a major characteristic of his work: the combination of the economic and political spheres.

It is through this perspective that themes specific to the EMES network (social economy, solidarity economy, social enterprise, third sector) are discussed. Through these publications, we aim to contribute to the building of a theoretical framework allowing to better understand the content of current changes and to go beyond critical observation. In the face of the threat of an authoritarian regression, it becomes crucial to study practices that propose solid and democratic outcomes to the crisis.

The contributions published in this series stem from the first two EMES-Polanyi international seminars. The 10 papers related to the first seminar can be found here while those pertaining to the second seminar will be published every two weeks beginning 20 April and ending on 15 June 2017 and listed per thematic axis below.

[Version française]

Cet espace réunit des Working Papers issus de conférences internationales EMES-Polanyi dont l’objet principal est des contribuer à l’analyse de la recomposition contemporaine des rapports entre économe et démocratie. Ces séminaires de réflexion ouverts et pluralistes ont été placés sous l’égide de Karl Polanyi parce qu’ils s’inspirent d’une caractéristique majeure de son œuvre : la pensée conjointe des sphères économique et politique.

C’est à travers cette perspective que sont abordés ici les thèmes propres au réseau EMES (économie sociale, économie solidaire, entreprise sociale, tiers-secteur). A travers ces publications, il s’agit de construire un cadre théorique permettant de mieux appréhender la teneur des mutations actuelles et de dépasser le constat critique. Face à la menace d’une régression autoritaire, il convient aussi de s’intéresser aux pratiques qui concrétisent des issues solidaires et démocratiques à la crise.

Les contributions publiées ici sont issues des deux premiers colloques EMES-Polanyi. Les 10 publications issues du premier colloque se trouvent ici tandis que celles présentées lors du deuxième colloque seront publiées toutes les deux semaines à partir du 20 avril jusqu’au 15 juin 2017.

Axe 1 : Economie plurielle | Axis 1: Plural economy

Axe 2 : Commun | Axis 2: Commons

2.1. Commun et Economie plurielle

2.2. Commun et monnaies

Axe 3 : Action publique |  Axis 3: Public action

Axe 4 : Ouvertures théoriques | Axis 4: Theoretical openings


EMES Polanyi Seminars

3rd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar

April 16April 17


Welfare societies in transition.
Polanyi revisited through the lens of welfare state, social democracy and solidarity economy.

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