University Certificate in Management of Social Enterprises

University Certificate in Management of Social Enterprises

The 138-hour training programme is intended for executives already working in social enterprises and for persons interested by the sector; it allows them to develop their action and reflection capacities through the use of strategic tools adapted to their needs and values.

Centre d’Economie Sociale (CES), University of Liege, Belgium

In industrialised regions, the field of the social economy represents between 5 and 15% of employment, depending on the country considered. It brings together all enterprises with a social purpose, be they non-profit organisations, cooperatives societies, mutual benefit societies or foundations, in various areas of activity. This training programme in Management of Social Enterprises organized by HEC-ULg Executive School and the Center for Social Economy  aims to support the professionalisation of these enterprises and to strengthen their role in the current economic system; students graduating from this programme earn a University Certificate.

The goals of the training programme are:

  • To apprehend the role of social enterprises in the global economic context and the stakes that they represent.
  • To manage strategically the major sources of funding of social enterprises.
  • To fine-tune/deepen the knowledge of the specific models of governance and human resource management in social enterprises.
  • To develop the capacity to manage a team.
  • To explore, identify and seize the opportunities for social enterprise development.

For more information about this programme, click here.

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