Master in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Master in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Master in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MISIE) is informed by recognising that social intervention is improved when sustained by innovative projects and entrepreneurial action. It is designed for students and professionals who want to intervene socially in a socially innovative and socially entrepreneurial way.

University of Coimbra, Portugal

This Master’s aims to expand students’ and professionals’ capacity to understand agency, change processes, development paradigms and social interventions in multidimensional contexts, improve their ability to activate development opportunities, and manage/create/evaluate resources and solutions to tackle social and societal problems.

It is a two-year programme (120 ECTS) offered by joint cooperation of the Faculty of Economics (Sociology and Management Departments) and the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences (Social Work Department). The first semester of the first year provides the programme’s theoretical framework, with courses on Society, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Paradigms of Intervention in Contemporary Society, Social Policies and Citizenship and one elective course in Sociology. The second semester is more practice-oriented, with courses on Management and Evaluation of Social Programmes and Projects, Management of Social Organizations and Enterprises, Advanced Research Questions and Extracurricular Activities, and one elective course in Social Work. The second year is dedicated to students’ production of a dissertation or of a social intervention project, supported by tutorial lessons, supervision and student work. The course is taught in Portuguese.

For more information about this programme, click here.

Within the scope of the Master in Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, on the 29th and 30th of September 2023, the II Congress of Social Intervention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship “The Vision of Prometheus: From Innovation to Social Transformation” took place.
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