Master in Social Entrepreneurship and Management

Master in Social Entrepreneurship and Management

The Master in Social Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM) is designed as an in-depth education for students who want to specialise in studies of the social dimension of entrepreneurship and management.

Center for Social Entrepreneurship (CSE), University of Roskilde, Denmark

The programme focuses on theory as well as practice of social entrepreneurship. It engages international guest lecturers who in collaboration with faculty members use case study methods, problem-oriented learning, individual as well as group exercises and workshops as methods of teaching during the entire programme. Thereby students are introduced to theoretical, empirical and practical knowledge which provides them with the ability to analyse the public, private and third sector’s present and future challenges.

Students are simultaneously trained in striving to realise economic and social values in processes of social innovation. Fully-fledged graduates will thereby possess the tools necessary to lead, analyse and improve existing social enterprises as well as facilitating new ones.

For more information about this master, click here.

Life at SEM

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