European Research Institute for Cooperatives and Social Enterprises, University of Trento, Italy
This professional programme is composed of 430 hours of didactics (classes, seminars, group work), at least 600 hours of internship and a minimum of 90 hours for the preparation of the final thesis. The instruction is in Italian and is divided in six modules, among which the first aims at developing relational competencies and teamwork. The other five modules focus successively on: 1) the characteristics and definition of the SE, 2) its governance and operative context, 3) the HR management in SE, 4) management tool for the SE and 5) project management tools. The pedagogical approach is based on students’ collaboration, while the curriculum has a clear multidisciplinary orientation. Finally, students benefit from individual tutors, as well as from personalized guidance in the process of finding a host organization for the internship.
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