Master in Management of Social Enterprises - HEC-ULg

Master in Management of Social Enterprises - HEC-ULg

HEC-ULg sets itself as a pioneer among French-language Belgian universities by proposing, from the 2010-2011 university year onward, a special orientation on the “Management of social enterprises” within its two-year Master programme in Management Sciences.

Centre d’Economie Sociale (CES), University of Liege, Belgium

This orientation provides students with three main elements First, the Master in “Management of social enterprises” enables them with an analysis and management capacity in order to be able to manage the major functions of an enterprise, to understand the various forms of economic organisations and their roles and specificity, as well as to analyse and anticipate societal challenges. Second, it equips students with operational tools, such as knowing the (economic, political, legal) environment in which enterprises operate (be it at the regional, national or European level), learning managerial practices of social entrepreneurship, mastering the tools designed to take into account social and environmental concerns. Finally, students are provided with a relational network, meeting the main actors of social entrepreneurship in Belgium, networking with similar experiences in Europe and elsewhere. The programme is offered under an intensive pedagogical guidance, focused on the gradual development of the student’s autonomy.

For more information about this master, click here.

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