Laurea Magistrale in Economia Sociale

Laurea Magistrale in Economia Sociale

Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Cultura della Cooperazione e del Non Profit (AICCON), University of Bologna, Italy

This Master aims to provide students with the essential tools and knowledge to enable them to understand the multi-faceted social implications of economic phenomena, as well as to take action and solve some of the most urgent issues of the third sector, preparing them to cover a wide set of job profiles from consultants, managers, fund raisers for the third sector, social entrepreneurs or public managers. In addition, graduates have the possibility to pursue a career in research.

The two-year study programme (120 ECTS) comprises integrated courses, mostly taught in the first year, such as: Third Sector Law, Civil Economy, Welfare Policies and the Third Sector, Management and HR, Statistical Analysis and Social Accounting and Reporting. In the second year, besides three compulsory corses on Ethical Finance, Fund Raising and Management and Accounting of Public Private Partnerships, students have the opportunity to choose three electives. Moreover, in the second year they pursue an internship and finally concentrate on the Master’s Thesis. Though most of the instruction is done in Italian, at least 4 to 6 courses are taught in English, attracting not only Erasmus students interested in this field, but also many international full-time students.

For more information about this programme, click here.

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