Social Economy and Social Enterprise

Social Economy and Social Enterprise

This course provides an introduction to the social economy of Sweden and other countries, and acquaints students with central theoretical approaches to research in this field.

Ersta Sköndal högskola, Sweden

The main themes of the course are: 1) definitions in the field 2) legal/incorporation forms and institutional constraints 3) social entrepreneurship 4) partnership and local development 5) the social economy and the welfare state. Students are assessed on the basis of their seminar participation and their individual assignments. The course includes the participation of a number of guest lecturers. Optional study visits may be organised.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, a student is able to

  • describe, compare and assess major theoretical approaches concerning the role and mode of operation of the social economy as a sector, and of organizations/enterprises within it
  • distinguish between the non-profit and the social economy approaches, and the ways in which the two can be integrated in the study of concrete phenomena
  • categorize major actors within the field, with particular emphasis on the Swedish situation
  • apply given theoretical frameworks to analyze strategies employed by discrete organizations
  • generalize theoretical approaches across a variety of different national systems
  • apply acquired theoretical models to Swedish and other national experiences;
  • develop and discuss blueprints for social audit procedures
  • define and present a theoretically grounded case study, based on independent material-gathering.

Teaching takes the form of seminars, and participation is mandatory. In case of absences from seminars, completion of alternative assignments is required.

For more information about this course, click here.

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