Financing of Social Enterprise

Financing of Social Enterprise

This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding, as well as operational knowledge of the economic rationality of the various modes of financing of social enterprises (public funding, price-fixing, fund-raising).

CES, University of Liege, Belgium

Moreover, it intends to equip students with  the capacity to design and implement a financing mix in the framework of the elaboration of a social enterprise’s business plan.

 Goals of the course:

  • To understand the economic rationality of the various modes of financing of social enterprises
  • To acquire a thorough operational knowledge of the modes of financing (public funding, price-fixing, fund-raising)
  • To acquire the capacity to design and implement a financing mix in the framework of the elaboration of a social enterprise’s business plan


  • Theoretical approach of the financing mix
  • Types of public regulation
  • Pricing
  • Fund-raising
  • Recent developments: venture philanthropy, public-private partnerships, cause-related marketing, socially responsible investment
  • Accounting
  • Social business plan and global performance assessment (cost/benefit analysis, social return on investment)


Sybille Mertens and Michel Marée

For more information about this course, click here.

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