Economie Sociale

Economie Sociale

The objective of this course is to analyze non -profit (third sector) organizations. The goal is to understand their place within the economy besides the for profit sector and public authorities.

Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Travail, État et Société (CIRTES), Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

At the end of this course, students will have an overview of socio-economic grids of analysis of the third sector and should be able to mobilize them in the analysis of a specific third sector organization.

First, we will develop conceptual clarifications around concepts such as non-profit sector, social economy, third-sector … Then, the course develops the socio-economic frameworks explaining the respective roles of public, for profit and non profit sectors in the provision of quasi-collective goods. Finally, the course covers various public policies (work integration, social services …) governing the provision of these quasi-collective goods. These public policies are placed in a comparative perspective of the different European welfare states models. We systematically refer to the Belgian and European debates around the place of the third sector and its challenges.

Content and teaching methods

  1. Theory of organization and third-sector
  2. The concept “économie sociale”
  3. The concept “non-marchand”
  4. The concept of ” économie solidaire “
  5. The concept “NPO “
  6. Two starting points to explain the “raisons d’être” of non profit organizations
  7. The theories of demand
  8. The relationships ” Non profit organizations – public authorities “
  9. The theories of social entrepreneurship

The purpose of the methodology of this course is to provide analytical tools to the student in order to carefully analyze the socio-economic dynamics within the third sector. The course will include personal readings and the preparation of some short written contributions during the term. Throughout the term, the students will work, in group of 2 or 3 students, on the analysis of a chosen organization which will be the support for the final oral examination. A regular presence and active participation in the course are, therefore, required.

Marthe Nyssens

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