PhD Summer Schools

PhD Summer Schools

Why an EMES Ph.D. International Summer School?

A variety of approaches to the field of study loosely referred to as the “third sector” exist across most European countries and around the world. Regardless of the approach used – non-profit studies, social economy, solidarity-based economy, social enterprise, etc. – the academic recognition of this field is being mirrored by the existence or creation of a number of specialized university programs and research centres that attract an increasing number of young researchers.

In a similar vein, numerous Ph.D. and Masters theses on topics related to this extensive field are currently being prepared, both in traditional university schools – such as political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, etc. – and in business schools.

Nevertheless, specific doctoral training programs for young scholars in the third sector, addressing theoretical and hands-on research issues, do not abound, and the existing programs favour either a socio-political or a non-profit perspective.

In this context, the idea of an EMES Ph.D. International Summer School aims to complete and widen the offer available to future scholars by providing them important analytical frameworks.

Who can participate?

Researchers and students formally registered in a doctoral program and students at the initial stage of their Ph.D. research at the time of the doctoral summer school can submit their application.

After a careful evaluation of all the applications received, around thirty international PhD students are accepted to take part in the EMES Ph.D. International Summer School.

What is the format?

  • The idea is to combine theoretical and practical sessions led by some of the most well-known scholars in the sector.
  • Theoretical plenary sessions and debates include topics such as economic and socio-political approaches to social enterprises, the third sector, the social economy and the solidarity-based economy within an international perspective.
  • Each student shares her/his research with peers and specialized professors during practical sessions with the aim of advancing her/his own project and consolidating a network of practitioners and scholars in the sector.
  • Methodological workshops are also offered so as to tackle some of the key issues regarding specific methodologies pertinent to research questions pertaining to the third sector.

PhD Summer Schools

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