The first phase – project identification – of this ambitious project was commissioned to EMES by the United Nations Development Programme’s Bratislava Regional Centre (UNDP-BRC, moved to Istanbul in 2014). The rationale underlying EMES’ project stemmed from the lack of uniformity in the field of social enterprises (SEs) which prevents the enhancement of policy-makers and practitioners’ awareness of the potential of these organisations and thus jeopardizes the sector’s development. This is especially true in countries affected by a number of social and economic concerns (such as the market failures poverty unemployment and collapse of welfare systems which presently affect CEE and CIS countries) which could be successfully dealt with by social enterprises – hence the relevance of high-quality studies specifically aimed at both bringing into light the role of these organisations and improving their performance.
Scientific coordination:
- Carlo Borzaga, Italy
Scientific panel:
- Jacques Defourny, Belgium
- Ewa Les, Poland
- Marthe Nyssens, Belgium
- Roger Spear, United Kingdom
Technical coordination: Rocío Nogales (EMES’ Co-ordination Unit) and Giulia Galera (ISSAN, now Euricse)
Contact information:
Project partners
For completing this research project, EMES involved researchers working in different countries and mobilized its comprehensive network of contacts.
Project document
C. Borzaga, G. and R. Nogales (eds.) (2008), Social Enterprise: A New Model for Poverty Reduction and Employment Generation. Bratislava: UNDP Bratislava Regional Center, ISBN 9789295042780.