LAFESE project

LAFESE project

Full title: Legal Assessment of the Social Entrepreneurship Framework in Egypt

Acronym: LAFESE
Duration: 2012

The project had three objectives.

  • First, to identify the legal, fiscal and administrative hurdles hindering the establishment and scaling-up of social enterprises (particularly in health, agriculture and education) in Egypt.
  • Second, to analyse how to address these barriers and how to strengthen the legal and policy frameworks to support social entrepreneurship, including ways to scale-up and develop a network of social enterprises.
  • Third, to recommend how to improve the legal and policy frameworks for social enterprises, together with measures which may enhance prospects for implementation and support processes, including Public Private Dialogue (PPD).

Several working lines were developed in order to attain these objectives, one of which consisted of an analysis of international good practice regarding legal frameworks for social entrepreneurship, including a focused research in Ecuador, the Philippines, Turkey, the United States, the United Kingdom and Spain

The project was led and coordinated by the EMES International Research Network team:

  • Roger Spear (LASEFE scientific coordinator and professor of social entrepreneurship (Open University, United Kingdom and Roskilde University, Denmark)
  • Samuel Barco (LAFESE consultant, Spain)
  • RocĂ­o Nogales (LAFESE project coordinator and managing director of EMES)

Advisory board

  • Derya Kaya, Communications Coordinator, Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV, Turkey)
  • Carlos Naranjo, legal expert and author of the Social Economy Law proposal in Ecuador (Ecuador)
  • Dennis Young, Bernard B. and Eugenia A. Ramsey Professor of Private Enterprise in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (Georgia State University, United States)
  • Marie Lisa Dacanay, President, Institute for Social Entrepreneurship in Asia (ISEA, The Philippines)

Local Egypt team:

  • Loay Y. El-Shawarby (Of–Counsel, Zaki Hashem & Partners)
  • Ahmad Hussein, Incubator Manager, Nahdet Elmahrousa NGO).

The final report can be downloaded here.

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