ICSEM Project - Working Papers

ICSEM Project - Working Papers


Barraket, J., Douglas, H., Eversole, R., Mason, C., McNeill, J. & Morgan, B. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Australia: Concepts and Classifications”, No. 30.


Anastasiadis, M. & Lang, R. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Austria: A Contextual Approach to Understand an Ambiguous Concept”, No. 26.


Huybrechts, B., Defourny, J., Nyssens, M., Bauwens, T., Brolis, O., De Cuyper, P., Degavre, F., Hudon, M., Périlleux, A., Pongo, T., Rijpens, J. & Thys, S. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Belgium: A Diversity of Roots, Models and Fields”, No. 27.


Hillenkamp, I., with the collaboration of Wanderley, F. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Bolivia: Solidarity Economy in Context of High Informality and Labour Precariousness”, No. 21.


Gaiger, L. I., Ferrarini, A. & Veronese, M. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Brazil: An Overview of Solidarity Economy Enterprises”, No. 10.


Lyne, I., Khieng, S. & Ngin, C. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Cambodia: An Overview”, No. 05.


McMurtry, J. J., Brouard, F., Elson, P., Hall, P., Lionais, D. & Vieta, M. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Canada: Context, Models and Institutions”, No. 04.

Bouchard, M. J., Cruz Filho, P. & Zerdani, T. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Québec: The Social Economy and the Social Enterprise Concepts”, No. 23.


Giovannini, M. & Nachar, P. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Chile: Concepts, Historical Trajectories, Trends and Characteristics”, No. 45.


Vidović, D. & Baturina, D. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Croatia: Charting New Territories”, No. 32.

Czech Rep.

Dohnalová, M., Guri, D., Hrabětová, J., Legnerová, K. & Šlechtová, V. (2015) “Social Enterprise in the Czech Republic”, No. 24.


Ruiz Rivera, M. J. & Lemaître, A. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Ecuador: Institutionalization and Types of Popular and Solidarity Organizations in the Light of Political Embeddedness”, No. 39.


Kostilainen, H., Houtbeckers, E. & Pättiniemi, P. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Finland”, No. 37.


Fraisse, L., Gardin, L., Laville, J.-L., Petrella, F. & Richez-Battesti, N. (2016) “Social Enterprise in France: At the Crossroads of the Social Economy, Solidarity Economy and Social Entrepreneurship?”, No. 34.

Glémain, P., Hénaff, G., Urasadettan, J., Amintas, A., Bioteau, E. & Guy, Y. (2016) “Social Enterprise in France: Work Integration Learning Social Enterprises (WILSEs)”, No. 25 (French version).


Birkhölzer, K., Göler von Ravensburg, N., Glänzel, G., Lautermann, C. & Mildenberger, G. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Germany: Understanding Concepts and Context”, No. 14.

Birkhölzer, K. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Germany: A Typology of Models”, No. 15.


Fekete, É. G., Hubai, L., Kiss, J. & Mihály, M. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Hungary”, No. 47.


Pratono, A. H., Pramudija, P. & Sutanti, A. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Indonesia: Emerging Models under Transition Government”, No. 36.


O’Hara, P. & O’Shaughnessy, M. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Ireland: WISE, the Dominant Model of Irish Social Enterprise”, No. 41.


Gidron, B., Abbou, I., Buber-Ben David, N., Navon, A. and Greenberg, Y. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Israel: The Swinging Pendulum between Collectivism and Individualism”, No. 20.


Borzaga, C., Poledrini, S. & Galera, G. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Italy: Typology, Diffusion and Characteristics”, No. 44.


Kurimoto, A. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Japan: The Field of Health and Social Services”, No. 07.

Nakagawa, S. & Laratta, R. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Japan: Notions, Typologies, and Institutionalization Processes through Work Integration Studies”, No. 17.

Makino, M. and Kitajima, K. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Japan: Community-Oriented Rural SEs”, No. 28.


Conde, C. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Mexico: Concepts in Use in the Social Economy”, No. 22.

New Zealand

Grant, S. (2015) “Social Enterprise in New Zealand: An Overview”, No. 01.


Prialé, M. A., Caballero, S., Fuchs, R. M. & Dulanto, G. (forthcoming) “Social Enterprise in Peru: Definition, Dimensions and Institutional Framework”, No. 43.


Ciepielewska-Kowalik, A., Pieliński, B., Starnawska, M. & Szymańska, A. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Poland: Institutional and Historical Context”, No. 11.


Rwamigabo, E. R. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Rwanda: An Overview”, No. 46.

South Africa

Littlewood, D. & Holt, D. (2015) “Social Enterprise in South Africa”, No. 02.

Claeyé, F. (2016) “Social Enterprise in South Africa: A Tentative Typology”, No. 38.

South Korea

Bidet, E. & Eum, H. (2015) “Social Enterprise in South Korea: General Presentation of the Phenomenon”, No. 06.

Hwang, D. S., Jang, W., Park, J.-S. & Kim, S. (2016) “Social Enterprise in South Korea”, No. 35.


Díaz-Foncea, M., Marcuello, C., Marcuello, C., Solorzano, M., Navío, J., Guzmán, C., de la O Barroso, M., Rodríguez, M. J., Santos, F. J., Fisac, R., Alguacil, P., Chaves, R., Savall, T. & Villajos, E. (2017) “Social Enterprise in Spain”, No. 29.


Gawell, M. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Sweden: Intertextual Consensus and Hidden Paradoxes”, No. 08.


Gonin, M. & Gachet, N. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Switzerland: An Overview of Existing Streams, Practices and Institutional Structures”, No. 03.

Adam, S., Amstutz, J., Avilés, G., Caimi, M., Crivelli, L., Ferrari, D., Pozzi, D., Schmitz, D., Wüthrich, B. & Zöbeli, D. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Switzerland: The Field of Work Integration”, No. 19.

Swaton, S. & Serlavos, M. (forthcoming) “Social Enterprise in Switzerland: Social and Solidarity Economy in French-Speaking Switzerland”, No. 48.


Kuan, Y.-Y. & Wang, S.-T. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Taiwan”, No. 13.


Dacanay, M. L. (2017) “Social Enterprise in the Philippines: Social Enterprises with the Poor as Primary Stakeholders”, No. 49.


Johnsen, S. (2016) “Social Enterprise in the United Arab Emirates: A Concept in Context and a Typology of Emerging Models”, No. 42.


Spear, R., Teasdale, S., Lyon, F., Hazenberg, R., Aiken, M., Bull, M. & Kopec, A. (2017) “Social Enterprise in the UK: Models and Trajectories”, No. 40.


Bibikova, V. (2015) “Social Enterprise in Ukraine”, No. 12.


Cooney, K. (2015) “Social Enterprise in the United States: WISEs and Other Worker-Focused Models”, No. 09.

Thiru, Y. (2016) “Social Enterprise in the United States: Socio-economic Roles of Certain Types of Social Enterprise”, No. 16.


Pham, T. V., Nguyen, H. T. H. & Nguyen, L. (2016) “Social Enterprise in Vietnam”, No. 31.


Gordon, M. (2015) “A Typology of Social Enterprise ‘Traditions’”, No. 18.

Defourny, J. & Nyssens, M. (2016) “Fundamentals for an International Typology of Social Enterprise Models“, No. 33.

Defourny, J., Nyssens, M. & Brolis, O. (2019) “Mapping and Testing Social Enterprise Models Across the World: Evidence from the ‘International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project’”, No. 50.


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