Analysis of the economic and financial context of social enterprises

The FIT4SE – Financial Tools for Social Enterprise project is aimed at identifying the
financial needs of social enterprises in an attempt to meet them at the local level
(Romagna: provinces of Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini). This is to be achieved by
involving social cooperatives present in the territories in a training course that will
develop starting from the results of the project research Work Package (WP1) carried
out by AICCON.
The WP1 consists of:
– a desk research, aimed at making the theme meaningful, both on the European
and national level;
– an empirical research, aimed at identifying the financial management methods
currently in place in the sample cooperatives built by Legacoop Romagna and
their gap in terms of financial needs.
This report constitutes the project output of the first activity described above.
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