Building a transdisciplinary learning community around a SE minor program

Building a transdisciplinary learning community around a SE minor program
Maarten Hogenstijn | Hendrik Jan Trooster | Bas Jacobs | Claudia Cuypers

ESCP-8EMES-3 | Hogenstijn-Trooster-Jacobs-Cuypers


‘Entrepreneurship for Society’ is a new transdisciplinary minor program on social entrepreneurship (SE), offered by Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. Students, teachers, researchers and partners from the field of SE collaborate in minor, with the aim of reinforcing a new perspective on the economy by offering students an experience-based introduction in SE. We report on how a transdisciplinary learning community is being built around this minor program, and what lessons can be learned from this process. A successful transdisciplinary learning community needs to be based on the core values of trust, transparency and flexibility. In addition; a problem solving orientation with multiple forms of value creation. On the organizational side, clarity is needed about facilitation and institutional support.

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