Towards a learning framework for social innovation education

Towards a learning framework for social innovation education
Irene Kalemaki | Ioanna Garefi | Sofia Kantsiou | Ivan Diego | Aristidis Protopsaltis | Jenifer Clare Wall

ESCP-7EMES-18 | Kalemaki, Garefi, Kantsiou, Diego, Protopsaltis & Clare Wall 2019


Although in the last decades a rich literature around Social Innovation has emerged, Social Innovation Education (SIE) is a new concept and has been relatively under-investigated, while there is no clear definition explaining what SIE entails.

This paper presents the first attempts of the EU funded NEMESIS project to design a non-prescriptive learning framework for embedding social innovation in education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to discuss how SIE is conceptualised; its underlying educational philosophy; the principles informing its design; and how it differentiates from other contemporary educational approaches.

The insights generated by investigating these points offer the basis for designing a Social Innovation Learning Framework which is envisaged to have a dual scope; from a practical point of view, it will act as a tool for educators, supporting them to deliver SIE in their contexts; from a research point of view, it will contribute to the scientific and policy discourse on the future of social innovation in education by providing evidence and clarity on what SIE entails and how it can benefit the field of education.


  • Social innovation education
  • Learning framework
  • Empowerment
  • Socio-political activation
  • Competences

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