Comparison of work integration social enterprises in Taiwan and Hong Kong: resource mixes

Yu-Yuan KUAN | Shu-Twu Wang | Cherng-rong Duh

EMES Conferences Selected Papers Series, ECSP-5EMES-44

Work integration social enterprises (WISE) providing social services and products are the most visible forms of social enterprises both in Taiwan and Hong Kong. This type of social enterprise is deeply concerned with the socially disadvantaged minority and it is able to integrate them with the labor market by providing them with proper training and employment assistance, which allow them to connect with the society and achieve self-empowerment in the long run.

Some of these work integration businesses in the two regions have achieved notable results in terms of vocational training, counseling and job placement for their beneficiaries; they have also contributed to change the public’s perception towards people with disabilities. The authors of this paper attempt to make a comparison of WISE in Taiwan and Hong Kong, focusing on two significant issues, that is, “resource mixes” and “governance”.

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