Applying social impact measurement to two UK work integration social enterprises

Robin John | Phil Sital-Singh

EMES Conferences Selected Papers Series, ECSP-R11-04
Session: Social impact assessment

This paper presents part of the output from a knowledge transfer partnership between Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and London South Bank University. The project was developed to research and promote the development of work integration social enterprise (WISE) as a route to employment for blind and partially sighted people. The paper first gives the context of RNIB, disability and employment. Second is a summarised version of a literature review undertaken evaluating social impact measures. Third is the methodology of the research study itself. Fourth and fifth are the qualitative and quantitative results of the analysis, respectively. The qualitative analysis is applied on two case studies. Due to data quality the quantitative analysis was applied only to one WISE. Finally the case study is evaluated, conclusions drawn and general discussions points identified. Whilst the case studies are valuable as the first empirical evidence in the area, the small sample size and micro nature of the enterprises invites further study and comparative study.

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