Approaching Plural Economy Concepts And Sharing Economy Experiences

Ariadne Rigo Scalfoni | Jeova Silva Torres

EMES Conferences Selected Papers Series, ECSP-P16-13

The purpose of this study is to associate conception of plural economy with experiences on sharing economy. First, we will present the field of study which is within the new economic sociology (NES), focusing on plural economy approach within it. The sharing economy is already changing the organizations, the economy and the society through of a new regulatory model of the relations of trade, ownership, work, production and consumption that is emerging worldwide in the 2010s. According to Owyang et al. (2013: 9-13), it is an economic model based on the trade of goods and services from people to people and not only from companies to customers. The sharing economy is reshaping the relationship between sellers and buyers, expanding transactions and redesigning consumption patterns, impacting the way of doing business. The regulatory model the sharing economy introduced is based on a perspective network and cooperative relations where the ownership of goods (private, public or mixed) is redefined and the wealth-building principle is the collaborative use of goods or services. As Gansky (2010: 7-8) stated, we are moving from a world where private intellectual property was something to aspire to a world where access to goods and services trumps property. Examples of organizational practices of the sharing economy have already presented themselves in daily life, through carpooling (the shared use of cars and vacant seats in vehicles), colodging (space sharing for hosting), coworking (workspace and features sharing) and crowdfunding (funding collaborative projects). Then, we will present some common practices on sharing economy around the world, highlighting Brazilian practices. Finally, we will propose approaches between these investigated practices and relevant concepts from plural economy. We consider this proposal as an exploratory and our question is: what are possible approaches between plural economy concepts and experiences on sharing economy? This essay is a result from the partnership between two newly created research centers in Brazil. The Group of Studies on Plural Economy (ECOS) of the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) and the Applied Studies Center on Social Utility Organizations (Nous) of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

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