Les Determinants se l'Adhesion aux Mutuelles se Sante en Afrique Subsaharienne : Un Inventaire des Travaux Empiriques

Jacques Defourny | Julie Failon

EMES Conferences Selected Papers Series, ECSP-B08-02
Thematic line: Social economy and solidarity-based economy: Alternative approaches to the third sector

The objective of this article is to develop a research inventory in the field in order to foster the knowledge on the determinants of the adherence to health mutualities. In the first part we briefly present the context of the emergence and characteristics of micro-insurance and mutual health organizations in Sub Saharan Africa.

A second part will address the issue of membership from a more theoretical perspective and then a series of interesting studies for our synthetic exercise will be presented. In a third step, we will review the various membership determinants identified through the surveys. For this, we will successively cover factors such as the household, health care providers and mutual themselves.

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