The success of liberalism has left an important part of real economy in the dark for a long time, its supporters even presenting it as the only possible model. This pretension is now disputed, particularly by the movement asking for “another type of globalisation” or “globalisation in solidarity”. This movement, far from producing mere criticism, has the potential to come up with concrete propositions to promote more solidarity and democracy. It is to encourage this reflection on alternative economy that this dictionary offers the first reliable and accessible synthesis of available knowledge in this field. As interdisciplinary as it is international, it offers a deepened definition of 50 key terms: fair trade, sustainable development, international organisations, public service. These concepts belong to history as well as to the most recent events.
Also published in Portuguese (Almedina, Coimbra, 2009) and Italian (Sapere 2000 Ediz. Multimediali, Roma, 2006).
Go here to purchase this volume (in French).