"ZAZ 2021 Map and Compass" webinar series aimed at PhD: sign up now!

Navigating the process of searching for, applying to and presenting at scientific conferences is tricky. All those thematic lines to choose from, and then the pressure of writing and delivering a good presentation? Who needs the extra pressure! But conferences are a great learning environment, and with a few tips and tricks – are easily navigated.

The EMES PhD Committee has organized the ZAZ 2021 Map and Compass series specifically aimed at the PhD and Early Career Researchers (ERC) community as part of the COST Action Empower-SE whose goal is precisely to empower the next generation of SE scholars.

The first webinar of the series will, takes place on the 25th of February, 2021 and is dedicated to PhDs and ERCs, to help you to navigate the 8th EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise (#8EMESconf) taking place in October 2021 in #Zaragoza. With this webinar, the EMES community wants to give you all the tips and tricks on how to find an appropriate conference stream, how to prepare your presentation – and how to get the most out of the conference experience. The #8EMESconf is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work through a poster or paper presentation, so we would like to support everyone to submit and participate.

To this end, the webinar features two sessions from EMES members, Tracey Coule (Professor of Non-profit Work and Organization in the Department of Management, Sheffield Hallam University) and Benjamin Huybrechts (Associate Professor in Social and Cooperative Entrepreneurship, HEC Liège). In the first session, Tracey, who is also the #8EMESconf co-chair, will give her tips on how to fit the PhD research with the conference themes of the EMES conference in Zaragoza, but also wider issues around developing your academic identity and framing and articulating the PhD work in shorter pieces. The second session by Benjamin will shed light on the do’s and dont’s of presenting your work at the scientific conferences – more specifically, what to do in order to deliver a successful presentation and what pitfalls to look out for.

Tracey Coule
Tracey explains: “We will be chatting about fitting your PhD
research with the conference themes of the EMES conference
in Zaragoza, but also wider issues around developing your
academic identity and framing and articulating your PhD
work in shorter pieces (conference papers, journal articles,
book chapters and so on).”


Benjamin Huybrechts Testimonial
As for Benjamin, he states that “In this seminar, I will share
my experience of submitting and presenting papers to
conferences. We will discuss how to prepare for a conference,
take the best out of it in terms of networking and feed-back
on your work, and remain connected to an academic
community such as EMES”.

All in all, what a great way to kickstart the year and get prepared for the Zaragoza conference! With this in mind, you can find attached the details regarding the date, time and the registration below:

Date: 25th February 2021 Time: 16h00 (CET)

Registration: https://bit.ly/3rKjD0u

Looking forward to seeing you all at the webinar!

Download the program here.

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

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