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The programme for the 2nd EMES-Polanyi Seminar is now available

The programme for the 2nd EMES-Polanyi Seminar is now available

The preliminary programme of the 2nd EMES-Polanyi International Seminar has been published. The main objectives of this international seminar, which will take place in Paris on 19 and 20 of May, is to contribute to the analysis of contemporary modalities of the relationship between economy and democracy. In addition, it seeks to increase the community of scholars interested in the crossing of the works of Karl Polanyi with some of the relevant issues and phenomena currently at play in our societies. The registration deadline is Friday, May 6th, but we encourage you to register as soon as possible to help us in the organization effort.

Please use conference hastag #2EMESPolanyi for all social media communication about the event.

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