Extended deadline: Participate in the seminar on Polanyi organized by EMES and CNAM

Extended deadline: Participate in the seminar on Polanyi organized by EMES and CNAM

After a successful response in terms of abstracts submitted, we nevertheless have decided to take into account the numerous requests received in that direction and extend the submission deadline for Polanyi. Therefore, you still have until February 29th, 2016 to send us your abstract.

We are convinced that the reflections that we propose to inspire this unique gathering of Polanyi scholars and researchers interested in new perspectives of Polanyi’s work will establish itself as a solid academic rendez-vous in years to come. The response has been outstanding in terms of geographic, disciplinary and age coverage. Indeed, we are surprised by the number of countries represented, spanning all five continents and ranging from the New School in New York and La Habana University to Russian, Asian and European universities… and we’re sure that it will increase.

If you are a scholar interested in how new readings of Polanyian approaches can influence the social and solidarity economy, social enterprises or associations, the commons, public action and the buen vivir, make sure you join us. Remember that you can also participate without presenting a paper if you are interested in the topic.

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