GESES Research Group

GESES Research Group

The Research Group of Social and Economic Studies of the Third Sector (GESES Research Group) is formed by an interdisciplinary group of professors from the University of Zaragoza, from the departments of Management and Business Administration, Accounting and Finance, and Psychology and Sociology, together with external researchers associated with our lines of research.

We started informally in 1998, since 2005 we have been considered by the Regional Government of Aragon like Consolidated Research Group and in 2018 we received the qualification of Reference Research Group by the Regional Government of Aragon. The GESES Research Group is the result of the development of projects, contracts with Public Administrations, Social Economy entities and other companies, as well as numerous publications in international and national journals and monographs on various topics related to our research.

The research lines focuses on three main fields:

  • Public Policies and Sustainable Development
  • Entities and Enteprises of Social Economy
  • Complex Social Problems and Social Innovations

The members of the GESES Research Group participate in different local, national and international research networks such as OIBESCOOP, CIRIEC-InternationalCIRIEC-Spain, Research Group 51, International Sociological Association, Asociación Aragonesa de Sociología, Federación Española de Sociología, Red Española de Estudios de Desarrollo, Laboratorio de Economía Social de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Catedra de Cooperativas y Economía Social – Caja Rural de Teruel, among others.


Associated individual members

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