3EMESconf - Social Lab


Social Lab and the “Surprisingly Good” exhibition are created by Roskilde Festival in collaboration with the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Roskilde University and the EMES European Research Network.

One of the most well known festivals in the world, namely Roskilde Festival, will be taking place immediately before the 3rd EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise. With more than 110,000 visitors expected, Roskilde Festival is one of Europe’s largest music festivals. The Festival itself is an extraordinary example of a social enterprise; all the festival’s profits are reinvested into innovative social projects, in Denmark and abroad.

One of the many initiatives taking place at the Festival is the Social Lab. The purpose of the Social Lab is to facilitate collective solutions to improve both the festival and the world. Through an exhibition, participation and interaction, the Social Lab motivates festival guests to deal with their own behaviour and come up with good ideas on how the festival can contribute to solving social challenges.

The Social Lab’s organisers are looking for inspiring examples of how social entrepreneurs and innovators around the world are solving poverty-related problems in new and surprising ways. They are looking for these examples for an exhibition called “Surprisingly Good”, the purpose of which is to inspire new opportunities for solving social challenges related to poverty, by showcasing social innovations and social enterprises. The examples should point towards new ways of thinking around solving poverty-related social challenges.

The organisers of the 3rd EMES Conference hereby invite you to send in examples for the “Surprisingly Good” exhibition.

Roskilde Festival will take place between 30 June and 3 July 2011 (www.roskilde-festival.dk); the exhibition will be shown at this year’s edition of the Festival. The exhibition will also be shown as part of the 3rd EMES Conference, and it will be online at www.roskildesociallab.dk until next year’s festival, in 2012.

The deadline for sending submissions is 10 June 2011. Each entry should contain the following:

  1. Full title of the initiative/project/enterprise.
  2. Description (maximum 300 words, in Word format).
  3. Image(s) in portrait orientation and in high resolution (minimum 7000×5000 pixels, or 841 x 1189 mm at 150dpi). If you are not able to provide pictures in high resolution but would like to submit anyway, please let us know.
  4. Credits and additional information (provide links and credit information).
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