Other Events

In addition to the recurrent EMES international events (the research conference and the PhD summer school), we organize joint events with our partners with the goal of deepening specific research fields and consolidating emerging ones. Moreover, we thrive on expanding the community of researchers working on social enterprise and related issues worldwide.

Some of these events include:

  • 2009 – “Social and solidarity economy in an international perspective” hosted by UNISINOS and RILESS (Brazil).

Other Events

International Thematic Research Colloquium on Cooperatives

May 30May 31


In celebration of the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives, EURICSE, in collaboration with the University of Trento, the International Cooperative Alliance Global Committee on Cooperative Research (ICA CCR), the EMES International Research Network, and CIRIEC International, is organizing a Thematic Research Colloquium on Cooperatives.

1st Symposium on Community Energy Systems

October 03October 03


EMES, in partnership with the Federation of European Renewable Energy Cooperatives, REScoop.eu, organizes this 1st Symposium aiming at encouraging the formation of an international network of scholars working on community energy systems and citizen-led initiatives, taking stock of the latest on research on the area, and identifying opportunities for future collaborations. The event will take place in parallel to a three-day meeting of the REScoop20-20-20 project in Lille (France) on October 3rd, 2014.

Western ICSEM Symposium

A “Western” ICSEM Symposium will be organized in Belgium in October 2014. Two full days will be devoted to the Symposium.

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