Central and East Europe and SE field (CEE & SE)

Central and East Europe and SE field (CEE & SE)

This group gathered several researchers from Central and East Europe, including academics from Poland, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. Different possibilities of joint collaboration are proposed:

The kick-off meeting of CEE AG took place during the 9EMESconf in Frankfurt. It gathered several researchers from Poland, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and Slovakia. Different possibilities of joint collaboration were discussed at this meeting, i.e.:

  • Launching a joint research project on SEs in CEE countries (if available funds are accessible in the countries studied);
  • Organizing panels on the social economy/social enterprises in international conferences (similar to the panel organized for the 9th EMES Conference in Frankfurt);
  • Employing existing contributions/findings from wider research projects, in which researchers already took place, to pursue discipline-scientific research, boost knowledge exchange and produce joint research publications (in the form of both single papers and thematic issues);

The Group is currently led by: Anna Ciepielewska-Kowalik

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