3<sup>rd</sup> EMES-Polanyi. About the organizers and supporters

3rd EMES-Polanyi. About the organizers and supporters

  1. Context
  2. Seminar thematic axes
  3. About the organizers and supporters
  4. Seminar committees

Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy was established in 1988, dedicated to the memory of Karl Polanyi. Its mission is to preserve his intellectual legacy and to contribute to urgent policy debates on alternative and innovative development strategies, both locally and internationally. It is also the host of the Karl Polanyi Archive with a vast collection of material including unpublished papers, drafts of manuscripts, lecture notes, articles and correspondence.

EMES International Research Network (EMES) is a research network of established university research centres and individual researchers whose goal has been so far to gradually build up an international corpus of theoretical and empirical knowledge, pluralistic in disciplines and methodologies, around our “SE” concepts: social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, social economy, solidarity economy and social innovation. EMES has conducted over 15 international comparative research projects and organized international bi-annual conferences and PhD summer schools (the next one will take place in June 2018 in Aix-Marseille, France). In addition, it collaborates with international organizations and governments at all levels to advance the understanding of social enterprise and support evidence- based policy-making in this field around the world. EMES exists since 1996 and in 2013 its membership opened to researchers and PhD students from around the world: there are currently over 350 individual members and 13 institutional members from over 50 countries.

Roskilde University is a reform university that has defined Problem-oriented Project Learning as the pedagogical model with impact also on research and intervention. The Department of People and Technology is involved with the development of sustainable solutions. We use experimental approaches and support people’s active commitment. The department is covering human, society, health and IT scientific fields as well as planning, intervention and design inclined fields. The department is particularly strong within such fields as social intervention and innovation, including social and solidarity economy within such fields as lifelong learning, social enterprise and entrepreneurship, planning and action research.

Collège d’études mondiales (Paris), created in 2011, is an academic centre for the development of projects by international researchers in a firmly multidisciplinary environment .It promotes new ways of thinking and working: research conducted by the philosopher and the economist, the doctor and the political analyst, the literary expert and the anthropologist all provide mutual stimulation for understanding the changes at play in the contemporary world. The school’s scientific activity is organised around three key areas: “New norms and institutions”, “Rethinking social justice” and “Subjectivities: production and knowledge”, designed to study these changes, be they individual or systemic. Its programme is composed of chairs, initiatives (programme incubation) and research seminars.

Kooperationen is a Danish Co-operative Employer’s Organisation, with a network of 92 member companies and 14.000 employees representing a wide range of business fields from banking and insurance sector to craftsmen and construction companies. Led by co-operative values and principles it is run solely for the benefit of their members. Established in 1922, Kooperationen provides professional legal advice and counselling within areas such as employment law, company law and construction law.

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