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The Bright and the Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship's Social Effects

The Bright and the Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship's Social Effects

Our member Nevena Radoynovska, Assistant professor at emlyon business school, is extending a warm invite to the enlarged EMES community to consider submitting a paper to a sub-theme for the next EGOS conference on the topic of “The Bright and the Dark Sides of Entrepreneurship’s Social Effects,” which she is co-organizing along with Ignasi Marti (ESADE) and Tim Weiss (Imperial College London). The conference takes place July 8-10, 2021 virtually, with a sliver of hope that some local, in-person social events might also take place depending on the health situation.

“My appeal to you is no accident! As a proud EMES member, I have greatly benefited from both the supportive EMES community and the critical intellectual spirit of its members. The latter nurtured my complex understanding of entrepreneurial and socially-minded organizations, helping me see both their great potential in contributing to better societies, as well as the possible dangers of a blanket “marketization” of social issues,” explains Nevena.

With this sub-theme, the three conveners are hoping to engage a critical discussion on the topic – encouraging a more holistic view of the social and societal effects of entrepreneurial initiatives. They therefore hope the topic will resonate with some the EMES community (as reflected in the number of EMES members included in their references) and would be delighted to see you (virtually/in person permitting) in July.

As those familiar with the EGOS community might attest, it also strives to provide a constructive and supportive environment for scholars at all stages. For those less familiar with EGOS, they’d be delighted if this sub-theme encouraged you to experience it for yourselves!

You’ll find the Call for Papers and additional details here.

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